The Official M10 2022 Freakout Thread

Did you hear back from Govs yet?

Applied for 10th grade -
Accepted: Loomis, Suffield, and Porters
They’re the only schools I applied to and I’m so happy because I did not think I was going to get in!!


getting rejected/waitlisted (mostly waitlisted) from everywhere brings down your emotions a lot but then when you get an acceptane from your last letter, you get a rush of happiness


That was us last year. I think we applied to about 15-17 schools, needing heavy financial aid. We got a few accepts with 0 financial aid, MANY waitlists, but she did get into a great school with a HUGE FA grant and so it worked out in the end. :slight_smile:


Waitlist from SPS. That’s the end of M10 for me :slight_smile: .
1/4 acceptance for my BS run.


Thank you! How were your results? I got waitlisted at Loomis and Suffield Academy. Kind of upset because I thought I would do better but I got myself in the waitlist for Loomis(the priority waitlist).

Hi Elaine! Cool that we applied to the same schools - hope you get off the waitlist :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Last school of the day: DD accepted at SPS with full aid…Hope everyone got good news today :pray:t2:


Hello Kanyewestlover, please stop stalking me, as I know who you actually are. :joy_cat:

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Well I ended up getting waitlisted to Nobles, Commonwealth, and SPS… Now I have 1 acceptance, 7 waitlists, and 1 rejection. M10 ended up being brutal this year, and I hope everybody does well wherever they end up :slight_smile:

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Is groton out?

What is a “priority waitlist”?

i had a very opposite day today- started off strong with a warm, welcoming acceptance from concord (i thought i was gonna be in for a good m10) but then i started progressively drowning more and more in the following waitlists. kinda disappointed :((

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You indicate that the school is your number 1 choice, and if there is any waitlist movement you will have a higher chance of getting accepted. Loomis had that option when you selected if you would like to remain on the waitlist or not.

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Accepted MX, Milton, St. George’s. WL Groton, Andover, Deerfield.


does the Hill School send out a package?

yall got into andover on a full scholarship and lawrenceville as a buckley scholar!!


yes - but it comes a few days after M10

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i also just got waitlisted at hotchkiss and choate

A priority waitlist is basically a waitlist but for people who want to be considered first because that school is their first choice school.