The Official M10 2022 Freakout Thread

That’s not a sign.

I know many who received a glowing letter from their interviewer and we’re ultimately rejected.


There will be zero signs. You just have to be patient :wink:.


:tired_face: you mean I can’t suddenly wake up and it’s March 10th??? What is wrong with this world :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:!

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ik u already got replies on this but those are such great scores- i submitted my scores in a similar situation (99 on reading/math and 80s on verbal)

no honestly like i just wanna knowwww gahhhhh.

yeah i was wondering about that too! are grades and LORs the most important factor?

All are parts of the puzzle, no one here can really say which is the most important piece. You could have perfect scores, LOR’s etc, but come across in an interview terribly, or as not a good “fit”, you could have one piece of your puzzle be mediocre but stand out, or meet a need at the school in another area. I know the wait is torture, but no amount of trying to analyze things will make a bit of difference :wink:

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This. I got into every school I applied to (Peddie, Lawrenceville, George School) except for Princeton Day School, where I made the mistake of telling my interviewer that I had been admitted to PDS in the past but chose not to attend. Make sure your interviews go well!

Not the reason you did not get in; they knew that before you told them.


That could be true, but I did also start comparing PDS to the school that I was attending at the time, saying that it “wasn’t what I was looking for” etc. I think my lack of interest might have shown a bit too much.

Do they also look at demonstrated interest?

No not at all. I know I got really similar. Your score is great.

Exactly one month until M10. You guys are all doing great.


Milton will call legacy applicants who are WL / Decline the day before.

based on what i’ve heard, i don’t think so…? i’m not 100% on it but probably not

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M10 is coming closer and it’s giving me anxiety. I’m so hopeful yet anxious and worried. Already having regrets over parts of the application.

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hey homie (: my advice to you as someone who’s gone through this twice–don’t regret your application!! at this point, there’s nothing you can change and worrying about it now is a waste of your valuable energy. turn your focus to something fun, now that you have all this free time that isn’t being spent on applications. and i think one thing that helped me worry less was knowing that i would be fine no matter what happened at m10. i made a plan b of rolling admissions schools that i could apply to if i didn’t get in anywhere (but that might be overkill) and i came to terms with my local options.

best of luck, my friend!! you’re going to do great (:


yeah, this is actually my second time through this process, but somehow it feels even scarier than the first since the first didn’t go well. I’m like obsessed now with it and I think about it a ton. Thank you for the assurances!

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good luck with everything!! i don’t wanna say anything too quickly but (hopefully) all goes well!!

M10 feels so close! 23 more days!