The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread

Only one of my daughter’s schools had separate essays in addition to the SAO essays that go to every school, so no recycling needed, but I’m sure she would have if she had to write more! :grin:


My child had to write 50+ answers some were full essays and some were short answers. She made a spread sheet and grouped the similar ones, making small edits/adjustments as needed based on the school and way the question was framed. Character count was sometimes different. Sometimes she felt an essay could not be pared down and still embody what she wanted it to so she wrote another. That was all through gateway. While the system was super easy /user friendly - we were shocked at how many and different answers needed to be crafted. Also some schools list word count, but when you go to upload there is a character count. She decided to observe both directions ( though some were discovered a bit after writing and following the school’s direction). She applied to 13 schools. Thankful she started early and spread out the process; she also learned as she got a few under her belt. Just something to think about for those prepping to apply next year as most here are over that hump.


Revisit days for 2023 are published here

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If it fits, it fits. I did so both while applying to private high school and college. (In fact, I gave one essay to 5 different universities!)


did anyone get results for Pingry?


Will move question to appropriate page - sorry

Are you TRYING to drive the readers of this thread around the bend???!!!

/said with a smile

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2 weeks and 1 day until decisions are out!


Do you all plan to revisit the schools? I already visited during interviews/campus tours.

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Revisits are different in that you get to go to classes, attend sessions, meet teachers, and more; think of it as an admitted students’ day. I highly recommend.


I am so sorry HK: March 27, March 31, April 1

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You know it’s bad when any email, even if it’s just a random one telling you what’s going on at the school is exciting to you


2 weeks to go!

What do people think? No doubt there will always be a stack of applications that are going to be down to the wire decisions but they all can’t be. How much of the incoming students do you think schools know they will accept at this point? 50%, 80%, 95%? At what point have they finished going through all applications (at least once) or do you think they still have “stacks” they haven’t even looked at this close to M10?


Yes, 2 more weeks. Our family is also eagerly awaiting the results!! We know are chances are much slimmer being international (but holds US passport). Keeping our hopes high for our daughter…


I have pretty much stumbled through this process as gracefully and quickly working full time and with 4 busy kids as best as I could for my son who told me he wanted to pursue BS on 10/27/22. He wants to enter BS as a reclass 10th grader. He needs basically full FA. I am a single mom of 4 kids who gets no financial support from their dad and he has no custody. I am feeling extremely anxious and pretty much convinced myself he wont get in or wont get enough FA anywhere although he is such a wonderful hard working kid who needs this opportunity so badly.
We have a significant history of domestic violence in my family and my son has been through many moves and we have limited resources however he is an amazing resilient kid. He has a twin who has autism who he has cared for much of his life. He plays hockey and lacrosse, has amazing grades and recommendations, didnt do as well as we both had thought on the SSAT (68 overall 53V 81Q) He plays AA hockey and HS hockey and lacrosse goalie but because of our limited resources he has never been a super high level exposed player in either sport. We have had some phone calls, emails, and zooms with coaches and the 4 schools we were able to visit we met with coaches either briefly, as the interviewer, or more casually. I definitely dont count him as a recruited type player although I do not know at all what that looks like I am only making assumptions.
He applied to schools where I had a sense he would get to play one or both sports at some level. While its a priority in his mind to play its not in mine. I want him to have life experiences and be unburdened from what he has carried for our family since he was born.
Any words of advice, comfort or support as we wait through this time? If he doesnt get in anywhere this year is it worth trying again next year?
If schools are truly seeking the diversity they claim to be then I would think his chances are decent but IDK. Do they get a ton of low income mixed race applicants that have stronger scores and athletic backgrounds?
Sorry fo the rambling post. I wish I had found this community long ago as I stumbled through this process blindly and privately.
He applied to:
Hebron (already told me no- they cant give him enough FA)


Interesting question! I have no real way of knowing, but I bet they have read them all once, at least at most schools. I am totally spitballing, but I bet they know ~80% of decisions already…

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Me too! Also from MA and have never heard that term before.

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Welcome to the community here! I’m so sorry to read what your son has been through and my first thought is how lucky he is to have a Mom like you to have his back and support his dreams. There are many more people on this thread with more experience with respect to the questions you listed above, but I just wanted to chime in and say welcome and good luck. I am crossing my fingers for your son to be accepted with full FA.


I was wondering about this the other day. I do personally know someone on an Admissions Board at a BS and have been dying to ask these types of questions (we applied to the school, so waiting out of respect of the process to ask my curious questions). I do know that one junior boarding school recently went through their “advocacy” period with secondary schools, where they speak to schools where their students have applied to answer questions from AO’s, discuss preferences (eg. would a student take a boarding spot instead of day spot, etc.). That was roughly two weeks ago, which makes me think they were still in the middle of the decision process at that point. But, clearly these are all sort of baseless assumptions on my end. :slight_smile: