The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread

I suspect regional. The independent day schools (that compete with boarding schools) around me don’t do this, at least not that I have ever heard/seen.


Common in NJ and NY. For the vast majority of applicants, it doesn’t matter, but there are some every year who are considering being a day student at local BS as well as day schools as well as those who are deciding between day options, often in a very competitive market, like NYC, and going away.


My elder kid goes to Blair and younger one had better grades most A+ no below A’s and 99% in SSAT. She is definitely going to get 50% of her choice schools. Fortunately Pingry is also in her top 3 choices. The tax benefit idea provided above is a good idea


Very good suggestion


Interesting, definitely regional.

My kids both applied as day students to boarding schools and to day schools in metro Boston. acceptances are all M10 IME. Some of the day schools apps aren’t due until 1/31 or 2/1, which is different, but acceptances are all m10. Like anything, I am sure one can find an exception, but I don’t know of it.

My own alma mater is a boarding school (not in metro boston) is all M10 whether day or boarder…

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Not that you are suggesting otherwise, but for clarity’s sake, BS release decisions for day and boarding together, so M10.

I wonder - at least where I live - if this isn’t a bit strategic for the day schools as the kids who are going to opt for private won’t start the class placement/enrollment process at their LPS. For some, one they start going through those motions, LPS has a stronger pull. Just speculation.

Boston has so many independent schools, day and boarding, including BS with day options, that I can imagine that it’s easier for schools and families to have a single date.

I recall that when DS was applying from public middle school, everyone who had applied to parochial schools had answers in February. Only one, however, had also applied to BS as a day student.


I am sure it is strategic on day schools part.

Here even PreK-8s are all M10 to my knowledge and they aren’t competing with boarding schools! (some are essentially rolling, but only after M10). There may be more variation on this than I know, as there are SO many of these in metro boston. That is IME.

I always assumed it was standard (if not 100%)for independents schools everywhere. Learn something new every day!


Same, nothing different for us with M10 day vs BS. One day school does have an early date but it is only for grades K-8, not in competition with BS. Their 9-12 and PG notification is M10 to align with others.

I would think that whether someone loses a deposit on the earlier decision schools or not, that a school requiring a decision before M10 creates themselves a lot of extra work. Sure there will be kids who take their acceptance from them and be done. But those waiting for M10 will either ask for an extension (and let’s say it is granted) or pay a deposit they are willing to lose upon a “better” offer on M10. The earlier schools have to then juggle the rescinded offers and turn around and make WL offers which may have also been waiting for M10. Just seems like extra work in my book.

Anyone know how many kids are accepted to the earlier schools and string them along until M10 since it doesn’t seem like a process most of us encounter here?

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This year’s Lawrenceville revisits are on March 29 (Wednesday), April 1 (Saturday), and April 3 (Monday).


This year’s Hotchkiss revisits are on March 28 (Tue), March 30 (Th), and April 4 (Tue)


Just curious because my son didn’t apply there, but does Lawrenceville have Saturday classes? I’m all for giving opportunities to people who work and can’t take the time off to bring kids for revisits, but how will students see classes in action like other places?

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And @confusedaboutFA & @haelja5_Dad there is a thread for revisit days, you may want to put the info there where it won’t get lost for people.

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Yes, we do have Saturday classes, so that’s not a problem.

I also think I posted this information on the revisit days thread some time ago; I was just repeating it since someone asked.

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I did. Thank you!


Someone else started a brand new post yesterday for this year. There were only like 3-4 posts on it.

Here is a link to the revisit thread this year.
Revisit Days in 2023 - Prep School Admissions - College Confidential Forums

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Where oh where did you see their revisit dates? The online calendar only has March 10 and April 10 for me.

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Just to avoid confusion, none of these dates are correct.

This post has the correct dates for Hotchkiss:

did anyone else freak out and recycled their essays for different schools??


Most kids recycle essays. It’s totally normal.