The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread

Salisbury will release admissions decisions at 12:01 a.m. on Friday, March 10. Our admissions and financial aid decisions will go out electronically, via email to all our applicants. We do not utilize an admissions portal, therefore you do not need a username or password to access your admissions decisions. Rather, you will receive an email providing you with a link to view your admissions decision and, if applicable, your financial aid award. For those who are admitted, we will also mail an acceptance letter to you.

Got my answer btw


Taft is a prestigious institution and a tough admit. Probably accepts about 20% of applicants.


Taft is an incredible school but also very competitive admission wise. Do not let the lack of discussion about it on this board fool you. It is often referred to as a safety school by those on here applying to only the HADES schools, but it is far from a safety school. Their acceptance rate has been lingering in the mid to high teens over the past few years as it is an incredibly popular BS. Best of luck to you!


Overall, don’t assume that because a school isn’t frequently discussed here that it isnt competitive or that it isn’t excellent.

SO many people begin their BS search with the premise “I’m really smart and want to be around really smart kids and have a rigorous, engaged learning experience.” Somehow, this translates into “My people are at the most selective, well-known BS.”

In reality, most BS have figured out how do deliver a superb education to the kids they admit. Academically, there may be differences in services (learning centers, for example), courses (everything from FL offerings to math progressions), schedules, etc. There are differences in ECs and sports. There are differences in philosophies around structure and discipline. Some schools are more diverse, some more conservative, some traditional, etc. Some are closer to home. There’s a lid for every pot!

If you visited a school and felt excited at the prospect of attending, that is what matters. I doubt the kid who loves St George’s will also love Putney, but each is perfect for the right student.

Please don’t doubt your application strategy at this point! Hopefully everyone will have good options next Friday.


Totally agree! Cranbrook is never mentioned here and we absolutely love it - 2 grads and a current student - we couldn’t be happier!


We feel the same way about the schools we applied to. I have seen Cranbrook mentioned. But I also worry when I don’t see a Kimball Union Academy or Brewster or Winchendon or Saint Mark School orPortsmouth Abbey mentioned either!
Apparently there are lots and lots of great schools that don’t make the acronym!


Oh that’s the best description of what we want for those we love! Please, point us in the direction of anything you’ve already written about the writing process. Love the idea!

As for your donut analogy … I found it and it’s a PERFECT description of the Boarding School and the College search process. A little story about donuts and M10

Sounds like we need more acronyms :slight_smile:

It would be fun to turn HIDDEN GEMS into an acronym. I’m too lazy to do it myself, but it seems like a perfect way to pass some time between now and M10!


GEMS can be George, Episcopal, Mercersberg, St. Andrews, four of the Mid Atlantic stars!


Just found out I got into 2 schools (no not by tracking packages lol)!! One was rolling admission other one just came plain email. Financial aid for the other one wasn’t ideal while the other is still coming in. I’m applying as a junior by the way!


My daughter is currently at Winchendon (she loves being there but wants a change for a couple of specific/personal reasons), and her best friend is at Portsmouth Abbey! Her friend absolutely LOVES “The Abbey”. It’s been a perfect fit for her. My daughter wants more mountains and lakes than ocean front, so she chose not to apply to Portsmouth Abbey, or St. George’s…also beautiful!


Congrats! Care to share where? Not about the FA but the acceptances?

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Interesting thanks! Winchendon definitely a nice school but we are still waiting on a A few others. Lots of lakes and mountains in New Hampshire!

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How did you know it was Winchendon :sob::sob: you guys scare me

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Salem Academy (all girls school) rolling admission. They say a week to review and it took a good 4 days to come in the mail. For FA they haven’t given it yet but they told me by the end of this week or early next week

Winchendon school! I Applied on a whim but really started liking it after looking into it. I saw the aid and instantly winced out loud lol. But I was still so happy considering it was my first financial aid package :)) applying for junior year is definitely harder to get into, so I’m happy for my 2/2!




Applied as a safety School!!


I didn’t; I was actually just responding to someone who mentioned it! But congrats on your acceptance there!

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They actually have decent financial aid…coming from someone who knows.


Interesting. Their endowment is only 20M, it is very difficult to offer decent financial aid to a lot of students.

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