The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread

^^ I was wondering about this as well.

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(commplete sentence)

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also, how come when talking about prep schools no one seems too bring up taft? fro what ive seen it has a great campus and what sees like great academics and athletics

My understanding is that it’s usually provided in a separate link or email with or soon after the decision. But, I’m sure people here have better insights!

I haven’t heard much about Lawrence Academy in these threads, sorry if this isn’t the place to post this question, but wondering if anyone else is waiting to hear about this school? We are also waiting to hear from Groton, and Middlesex.


Because you only have an extremely small subset of people applying to private schools on this chat board. Taft isn’t brought up much but there are some schools that aren’t brought up at all. That’s this year. Another year that may be different with a different population of people coming to the boards. Doesn’t mean anything bad.


Exactly. I can count on one hand the other kids I have seen posting that they have applied to the same schools as my daughter. She did not want a large school and did not want an academic grind, so that takes out a lot of the “usual suspects” from this board. She definitely thought about what was important to her and researched and evaluated schools based on that and it just happened that she ended up with six schools that are not often mentioned on here. But, it has still been incredibly helpful for me to hear about everyone else’s experiences and journeys, even if they are not applying to the same schools as her.


TAFT is not in GLADCHEMMS or HADES, does it mean it is out of the league of the most prestigious schools? Saw Niche ranks them outside the top hundred best private schools in America.

Hello we are waiting to hear from LA and Middlesex as well. LA seems to be the safety school from what I understand versus Middlesex and Groton.
We are looking for 10th grade though how about you?

thats what i was thinking, i never got a chance too look at gladchems schools but i think it looks very nice and id still be very happy too go, i just wanted too know if it was a good choice

i am going into ninth though so even if i dont get into it i still have 3 more years too apply too a gladchem school

It comes up a bit, certainly not never. And there are tons of schools you hear less about - Kent, Williston, Tabor, Canterbury, St Andrews, Portsmouth Abbey, aren’t mentioned all that much from my vantage…Others I am somewhat surprised to hear so much about. Gunn, for example.

I have been to Taft’s campus, it is amazing.


Yes I am aware of grandparents helping to pay. Unfortunately our family is not among those lucky enough to have the family $!

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Oh for sure it isn’t an option for vast majority of people, but I thought folks (not sure you) were implying it was unusual for a grandparent to pay for college/school. It definitely ins’t in prep school world, which is a niche obviously.

When I went to prep school one of my parent’s picked up an extra job to pay tuition! Grandparents sure didn’t have any ability to help.


Me too! I applied by reusing my essays but I still wanted to check out the school. Seemed really great and I wish there was more info from students

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I had my onsite interview at TAFT. I really like the school and think it is the most beautiful campus I’ve ever seen. The staff looks very professional and friendly, and I saw smiling faces from the students everywhere. I really feel that I would have great high school time if I got the opportunity. It is a great school that nobody should discount.


Our DD interviewed with the Director of Admissions at Taft when they visited our city. We also went to a well-attended private reception hosted by one of the current Parents. We thought that the school is amazing. Strong academics, athletics. It is not too big, not too small. We spoke to the host Parent and he told us his kids also got accepted to the more well known schools but in the end they decided on Taft. He was all praises about the school.

My daughter was into a sport not offered in the school but the Admissions Director said he could contact the Athletics Director to discuss our case and maybe arrange something with Yale (40 min away) which we thought was quite nice.

We were definitely impressed and would have pushed through with our application. Unfortunately, in the end we still did not apply but not due to the school’s fault but ours.

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Just curious, did they offering something to Yale University? That would be Awsome!

i completly agree, i think its my favorite school ive seen so far and would be delighted too go, im just suprised it isnt brought up more but i guess that just means less people applying and a higher chance for me too get in LOL

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Just an FYI to parents in general…schools do this all the time. “We don’t offer XY sport/activity, but if your kid wants to continue this, we are very flexible.”

This rarely pans out. Kids can’t easily travel 30-40 minutes each way, several times a week. Plus, the schools want kids in the school’s co-curriculars/sports.

The rare exceptions we’ve seen are club soccer, equestrian, and advanced music.