The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread

Prob Shirts and water bottles

:scream: :scream: :scream: The head got your name wrong? and there are only 35 kid a class…and you are one of the few involved ? oh geez.

I mean everyone makes mistakes, totally get that, and obviously this is definitely not a huge deal (the spelling part!) but ugh. that does hurt.

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There are mixed replies to this question (I have also asked it as have others). Here are the answers I have seen:

  1. Some schools don’t even send out boxes at all to anyone, so keep that in mind.

  2. Some schools don’t send boxes to international students, but will give them the special items (a water bottle or t-shirt, pair of socks, etc) at orientation if they decide to come).

  3. Some schools send boxes internationally, but via a different courier than their other boxes that went to everyone else.

  4. Some schools send boxes and you won’t have a notification anywhere, but suddenly a box will show up to your door.

  5. You might have a box show up at your door days, weeks, or even months after March 10.

We are overseas as well and I couldn’t figure out how to sign up for delivery notifications either (to be fair, I gave up fairly quickly). However, I did get a customs notification from DHL that there is a package headed to my daughter from one of her schools, so that was a fun surprise.


St George’s received over 1100 applications for 70 spots. :exploding_head:


I agree that legacy applicants should get a courtesy phone call the day before decisions are out and a spot on the waitlist (even if they’ll never move off it). My alma mater always made that phone call….until they recently changed the head of admission, who decided to stop that phone call. But never told anyone. There were lots of angry alum parents on M10 last year (bcs most of them assumed their child would receive a yes since they didn’t receive the waitlist / rejection courtesy call).


This gives me hope! And if things dont work for the fall for my son he can still try again as a junior


Girl what??? You’re joking.

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how? HOW?!

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While it’s of course competitive, keep in mind that the construct of “X applicants for Y slots” will always sound way more competitive than it is because yield isn’t factored in. Even if their yield is 50%, which would be higher than what I would personally guess, that would still put the acceptance rate at 13%. My guess is that it’s higher than that. But my point is: yes it’s competitive, but it’s not CRAZY/IMPOSSIBLE competitive, which is how these stats make it sound (by the way…on purpose by the marketing engines of these schools).


Publicly it is 14% - I take these numbers online a with a big grain of salt, but it actually checks out pretty well!


Some schools I cant really find acceptance rates. And how do you know how many applicants?

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For number of applicants: schools sometime include total number of applicants in emails to applicants --something like…“sorry you didn’t get in, we go 1000+ applicants” Or, “acceptances are coming and it was an exciting year with record 500+ applicants” etc. This is not helpful in advance when applying though;)

I have also seen applicant totals show up in a google search from school newspapers.

Acceptance rate rate is sometimes on the "private (or boarding) school review’ site -I take those numbers with a grain of salt though and as rough. (One school I saw had different numbers - admittedly not wildly different - on “private school review” vs. “boarding school review”


just wanted to add that i hate its the day before tomorrow


I’m surprised they didn’t call you?

SG is claiming it’s 11-12% this year.

Adding that when kiddo1 applied in 2020, I believe it was around 24%.

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Wow. That’s a big change in three years.

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Someone can correct me if I am wrong, but there were record setting jumps, across private schools nationally in 2021.


Anyone notice some of the boxes were going in UPS boxes and some just labels right up? International vs domestic? Wonder what/why the differences.

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i saw that too. It might be UPS here and another service internationally.

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