The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread

2,300 would be about the same as last year.

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Never mind… saw it in the LC email. WOW! If LC has 2,300 applicants, I wonder how many the other BS had…

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We got an email from Berkshire last week that said they had over 1400 applications. And that’s a much smaller school than Loomis.

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A thick envelope arrived from Buxton today! That’s my son’s top choice. I don’t know if it’s my top choice, but I wouldn’t be upset if he went there :slight_smile:

The prep school I went to sent me an email this afternoon (with my name spelled wrong throughout) with a heads up that he wasn’t getting accepted. I’m bummed about that. I think he would have liked it there. But the name misspelling and the fact that they don’t even bother being polite and putting active alumni kids in the depths of the waitlist is kinda indicative of their overall dysfunction, so I’m going to try to look at it as us dodging a bullet. I think I’m not in the mood to donate to them anytime soon, though.


Yikes! They spelled your name, as an alum, wrong multiple times? eeek.

Sorry kid didn’t get it, of course, but that isn’t a great look…


I’m one of like 3 alums in my class that donates and attends alumni events. It’s a name with multiple common spellings (think Sara/Sarah) but I feel like they should have it written down somewhere. It was on the application, too. (Feeling a bit salty here.)


I would feel same!


Does anybody know how many applicants Loomis usually takes for 9th, 10th, 11th grade? I would assume the numbers significantly drop-off after freshman year.

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For 11th, my interviewer said they have 30-35 spots and 100+ applicants

I’m sorry that your alma mater disrespected you, but your child isn’t entitled to an acceptance because of what you’ve done for the school.


No, but smart schools who think long term throw active alums a bone when their kids apply, because they want to keep the alums happy. This school couldn’t even spell my name right. :crazy_face:


You are right that they aren’t entitled to admission because they are a legacy. And alums who are donors shpuld get some level of respect - like spelling their name right!

It is common practice for legacy kids to get put on the WL - and never get off. It’s the soft rejection.


this is what they have a right to be annoyed by IMO, especially when they are sending bad news, they should be extra careful.

I presume this was from admissions, not development. The latter would be really annoyed I’d think.


From the head of school, actually. Who I’ve met a few times, and always seemed lovely. But anyway, it’s all the same database. Also, my name is in my email! :stuck_out_tongue: (Also, it’s a very small school. There were 35 in my graduating class.)


That’s completely unacceptable but not surprising this day and age many places (non-BS related of course). I’d probably email them back, spelling the school name wrong, and signing my correctly spelled name in big, bold, colorful font with your grad year after it out of spite :rofl:

same :sob: i feel like everyone wants too get a jump start on it

Ik y’all seeing this :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


“L Yeah” is hilarious


Hopefully The UPs label notices will still be attached to these boxes and get updated with delivery dates.

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Those are big boxes. What’s in there?