The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread

Anyone heard from Concord/CA?

I think last year they sent packages in advance, but not seeing anything on my end (FWIW) and don’t think anyone has commented? May just have to wait until am!


With every high there are lows. So sorry, I hope there is another school he can set his sights on. We to have started to feel the disappointment from the shipments.

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Wondering the same! Not too many discussions on Concord here, though. Wishing you/yours good luck!

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That’s awesome - congrats!! Which school?

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Sorry - this is really hard - did he apply to any other school that he hasn’t heard from yet?


Oh that’s a good question.

Oh! Got home and there was a package from Kent School, CT. I am happy now my daughter has day schools and a boarding school choice so the other schools I tell her not to worry.


is anyone else who is using veracross for their portals trying to see what’s up?? 6 more hours and its go time

Likewise! I am anticipating a WL at Concord, but have some hope for an acceptance!


Yes a few for Veracross here and nothing changed on them yet

We applied but have not received any notifications or anything from the Concord area.

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Same, also anticipating waitlist. A few of my son’s friends also applied and I don’t think they will take 3 kids from the same small school…

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Sounds a lot like my thinking:)

my kids school usually only sends 1-2 a year to CA and I think way more than that usually apply. (I don’t actually know that for a fact, but sort of my assumption).


That’s great! If you don’t mind my asking, what area of the country are you in? (Trying to read tealeaves while pretending to be totally chill in front of my girls.)

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Months ago I could have never imagined this world. All of these kids should be applauded, regardless of the outcomes. I did hear from our consultant that there are more waitlists than last year and I had been hearing that applications were up from years prior, so makes sense. I know it is hard for these high achieving kids to not be accepted, but I feel very fortunate that my daughter is having this experience at her age. Being able to build character and learn how to handle acceptance and disappointment is so important for a healthy life. My daughter has been prepped that there will be a mix of acceptance and rejections (or waitlists). The goal for her is to have at least a couple good choices, and she has done everything she could to try to get that result. Good luck to all of your kiddos!


I offered this up several years ago and am doing so today again. Preemptively. . Joan Didion on not getting into her college of choice. A great, fun read , and terrific perspective.


This is well said and provides such good perspective for kids and parents alike. Thank you for sharing, particularly when many are in the throes of such a stressful process.


We are a very happy Kent family. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out.


I’m in East Coast.


Ohhh okay. Happy to know that. I will write your name down. I love the school and the people are very nice too. I am happy now as I knew she was looking forward to a boarding school the most. She has been accepted to 2 day schools here but I knew she was still hoping for a boarding school. So even if the other schools now come as wait listed or rejected I believe this will be it.