The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread

Does Andover use UPS or FedEx or both?

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UPS exclusively, I believe.

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right? I hope they sell them at school store or something!

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So for this old lady who lives overseas, what is “funny” or “clever” about L Yeah? I don’t get it. :laughing: :older_woman: :older_woman:

Edited - wait, I just said it out loud. Is it because it sounds like “hell yeah”?

Oh my gosh - I really thought it was some new slang or something. My kids are always throwing new things at me and I have no idea what they mean, so I thought the school was trying to capitalize on some current trend. :rofl: :rofl: I’m just going to go back to my old lady corner now and laugh at myself.


Yes, people have been posting they received notifications, since yesterday.

i got no notification so far and got accepted by 2 boarding schools already


Which ones

no notification from any shipping service?

Miss Porter’s acceptance received at 6:43pm!! Revisit days 3/30 and 4/4. My daughter reapplied and was accepted for 10th with aid, which is key for us. We are all over the moon! She finds out all other schools tomorrow! Emma Willard, NMH, Concord, Kent and St Andrew’s DE.


By the way - no mail or UPS notifications!


Have all the Lawrenceville acceptance packages been sent out at this point?

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Did you check and it just wasnt there or you never checked?
Also - what schools?

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Congrats! My daughter also received admission, but for 9th grade. I literally just got a text message from DHL as I typed that last sentenced that her admissions box will be here by the end of day today (it’s March 10 already where we are)!


I believe they were referencing Miss Porter’s when they said they didn’t get a package notice, but received an acceptance.


DS already got into his top choice school, but my top choice school for him doesn’t release decisions until 4pm tomorrow (it’s a day school, not much mentioned on here). It’s going to be a long day.


Has anyone heard anything from The Hill School? UPS/DHL?FEDex?


Yes I was referring to Miss Porter’s. I’m not exactly new here but not skilled at posting. Lol. Thank you for clarifying!


Hi! Yes I checked UPS and USPS but not sure I did it correctly and now I see a response below that MPS used DHL for delivery? So maybe that is why I didn’t see notification.

In same boat!

3 of ours release at 3pm or later… I am pretty sure 1 of those is an acceptance (USPS notification from right zipcode, which matched school’s ig stories,etc) and that box will come during the day, at least.

Kid doesn’t truly have a first choice, though leaning to my least favorite;)


Just sending this out there. Thrilled for my DD accepted to Miss Porter’s. Boarding school didn’t work out for my oldest son last year and he is extra bummed today - he remembers his rejections from last M10. But we had applied for aid and he is a solid B student whereas his younger sister is solid A and a musician. So it’s bittersweet. From a mama’s view I feel empathy for those whose dreams don’t come true …at least in this moment. Best wishes to all.