The Official UMiami Class of 2014 Early Action Admissions Decisions Thread

<p>Are the only scholarships given the one’s with the acceptance letters?</p>

<p>That’s a bummer.</p>

3.1 UW/3.67Weighted GPA
610R 740M 750W (1350/1600, 2100/2400)
Good Essay, Good Recs
Varsity Lax</p>

<p>Might have the lowest stats for anyone excepted on here!</p>

<p>ACCEPTED! Going for sure. Accepted into Motion Pictures Major.</p>

<p>ACT: 28, 29 superscored
GPA: 5.2/6 weighted, or in an unweighted system it would be 3.3 out of 4
My gpa wasn’t awesome, but basically i took mostly honors and AP’s and got alot of B’s.</p>

<p>ps anyone know if the scholarship info comes with the acceptance packet or not? there was nothing in mine, i hope i got something though.</p>

<p>Scholarships come in the admissions packet.</p>

<p>2,000 accepted out of 25,000.</p>

<p>12.5% acceptance rate… pretty nuts.</p>

<p>dpc1192: Upon closer inspection, the letter reveals that the university received 25,000 applications for 2000 spots, not that it only accepted 2,000 people. There is no way Miami would have such a high yield rate.</p>

<p>What about financial aid? Do they review the FAFSA, etc. and provide any update?</p>

<p>Yea, that’s not the number accepted. In reality they accept around 8,000 students total. If I remember correctly, 25,000 is 3000 up from last year… which is a dramatic increase. Still, 32% acceptance is pretty darn competitive. About on par with medical school admissions, by numbers alone :)</p>

<p>I just double checked last year’s letter and it was 22,000 applications. So 3,000 more is almost a 14% increase which is huge!!!</p>

<p>Still have to see how RD goes for the overall rate…encouraging nevertheless.</p>

<p>AAHHH! I got in! Transfer from Penn State! From Southern California. 3.77gpa (college) Now I need to visit!!</p>

<p>Accepted! I am pretty sure I am the lowest one on here hehe </p>

<p>3.51 GPA
1790 SAT
Lots of EC’s
2 very strong recs
$500,000 bribe (jokes)</p>

<p>Do they send more info on financial aid after the initial award/merit aid (based on the FAFSA, etc.)?</p>

<p>My friend was accepted to UM but was rejected from UF. He said he would go to UM if his family was able to pay for it which they can’t. Is there anything he can do? It really sucks that Miami has such competitive admissions yet some students can’t pay for it at all.</p>

<p>BTW, he had:</p>

<p>30 ACT
3.9 Weighted (recalculated)
3.5 Unweighted</p>

<p>He has Florida Prepaid which covers basically nothing for Miami (I think it pays for $95 per credit hour–perfect for publics, not so good for private). I’m guessing a modest pell grant because his parents combined make around $90,000 a year. If anyone can give me some realistic information PM me or post a reply</p>


<p>OK, This may not be legit, but proving wrong McUF propaganda is too tempting:</p>

<p>“My friend was accepted to UM but was rejected from UF.” </p>

<p>Ok, the same thing happens in reverse…Poster SHAZ98 was deferred from UM, accepted at UF.</p>

<p>“He said he would go to UM if his family was able to pay for it which they can’t. Is there anything he can do?”</p>

<p>Have you seen their completed FAFSA and EFC? How do you know what they can and can’t do?</p>

<p>“It really sucks that Miami has such competitive admissions yet some students can’t pay for it at all.”</p>

<p>At all? Do any have merit scholarships? Have they received their FA Package already? What is your survey sample?</p>

<p>"BTW, he had:</p>

<p>30 ACT
3.9 Weighted (recalculated)
3.5 Unweighted"</p>

<p>Ok, in comparing those to your stated stats on a UF thread, it was a UM win and UF loss, his stats (on the surface) are more impressive.</p>

<p>“He has Florida Prepaid which covers basically nothing for Miami (I think it pays for $95 per credit hour–perfect for publics, not so good for private).”</p>

<p>Er, money is money…again, you don’t know what his FA package would be, so basically nothing is basically BS, pre-paid can be used at Miami and that is the thing…it IS a private, with all the advantages inherent.</p>

<p>“I’m guessing a modest pell grant because his parents combined make around $90,000 a year. If anyone can give me some realistic information PM me or post a reply”</p>

<p>Ok, you are not an FA officer at Miami, so your “modest” grant might be more than you think. Again, you don’t know what his parents’ EFC is, income is but one part of the FAFSA. I know this is a tough concept for some Florida students (and a lot of parents, unfortunately) to grasp…EFC means the Federal government EXPECTS parents to contribute to their child’s education. The days of unlimited Bright Futures is getting dimmer.</p>

<p>Good luck to your friend and good luck at UF.</p>


<p>OK, This may not be legit, but proving wrong McUF propaganda is too tempting:</p>

<p>“My friend was accepted to UM but was rejected from UF.” </p>

<p>Ok, the same thing happens in reverse…Poster SHAZ98 was deferred from UM, accepted at UF</p>

<p>“He said he would go to UM if his family was able to pay for it which they can’t. Is there anything he can do?”</p>

<p>Have you seen their completed FAFSA and EFC? How do you know what the can and can’t do?</p>

<p>“It really sucks that Miami has such competitive admissions yet some students can’t pay for it at all.”</p>

<p>At all? Do they have merit scholarships? Have they received their FA Package? what is your survey sample.</p>

<p>"BTW, he had:</p>

<p>30 ACT
3.9 Weighted (recalculated)
3.5 Unweighted"</p>

<p>Ok, in comparing it to your stated stats on a UF thread, it was a UM win and UF loss, his (on the surface) were more impressive.</p>

<p>“He has Florida Prepaid which covers basically nothing for Miami (I think it pays for $95 per credit hour–perfect for publics, not so good for private).”</p>

<p>Er, money is money…again, you don’t know what his FA package would be, so basically nothing is basically BS, pre-paid can be used at Miami and that is the thing…it IS a private, with all the advantages inherent.</p>

<p>“I’m guessing a modest pell grant because his parents combined make around $90,000 a year. If anyone can give me some realistic information PM me or post a reply”</p>

<p>Ok, you are not an FA officer at Miami, so your “modest” grant might be more than you think. Again, you don’t know what his parents’ EFC is. I know this is a tough concept for some Florida students (and a lot of parents, unfortunately) to grasp…EFC means the Federal government EXPECTS parents to contribute to their child’s education. The days of unlimited bright Futures is getting dimmer.</p>

<p>Good luck to your friend and good luck at UF.</p>

<p>Prepaid pays around $2000 for me here… plus he gets FRAG and Bright Futures… that totals probably at least $5000, possibly up to $10,000. By submitting the FAFSA, and hopefully through other scholarships, the rest of his need can hopefully be met.</p>



<p>I appreciate your concern over phony posts but those are real stats from my real best friend. Next time don’t immediately jump on my case because of a coincidental post. </p>



<p>I do not know his FAFSA, but I know enough about his family’s income and assets that I can give a rough estimate of his pell grant, which should be around 500-2500 EFC.</p>



<p>It’s true though; many students who applied to UF also applied UM and vice versa. I know a hanful of low-income and middle-class students who wouldn’t attend because of tuition. Yes the FA package may be enough for them to go, but until that comes there is a 0% chance they will attend.</p>



<p>A course at Miami costs $1200 per credit hour. Florida prepaid would cover around $90 per credit hour. After prepaid tuition still costs $1110. Pretty insignificant from his family’s POV.</p>



<p>No I’m not a FA officer but I know enough about FA especially EFC. I’m not an idiot. Thanks for explaining what EFC means even though it’s acronym is pretty self-explanatory. </p>

<p>The maximum pell grants nowadays are about $5,500 which is given to the most needy students (0 EFC). What I meant by a modest pell grant is that he will not get the full amount but a decent chunk of the pie.</p>

<p>I guess he just has to wait for his FA package, which I can’t predict, but the average is about a $22,000 gift.</p>

<p>it would’ve been nice if you had been a bit more neutral in your response like this poster: </p>



<p>^^^ Thanks</p>

<p>I got 32,650 a year in Grants/Financial Aid!!!</p>


<p>Thanks for posting what your real world FA award was.</p>

“It really sucks that Miami has such competitive admissions yet some students can’t pay for it at all.”</p>

<p>That isn’t exactly neutral, is it? You made assumptions based on anecdotal examples, I made counterpoints. </p>

<p>Again, a sincere best of luck at UF.</p>

<p>That seems like a pretty huge amount. I was so surprised.</p>