The Official UMiami Class of 2014 Early Action Admissions Decisions Thread

<p>I still haven’t found out, online or via mail =[
I’m feeling a rejection coming my way…if I get deferred to April 15th I’m taking it as a rejection. Miami’ll be out for me.</p>

<p>yea i got my letter today… rejectedd. once again people with lower stats than mine getting in…but oh well i guess thats how the college process works… wasn’t gonna go there anyway :slight_smile: good luck to u all!</p>

<p>jz10, did you apply for regular decision? you got rejected not deffered? ugh, april is so far away. -_-</p>

<p>I applied early action:</p>

<p>No mail notification
No UM notification
No e-mail notification</p>

<p>Is anybody else in the same boat as me!!!</p>

<p>I also do live overseas…</p>

<p>What are your stats jz10?</p>

<p>same boat as you blay44
what country are you applying from?</p>

<p>just got deferred with
3.4 unweighted gpa
Excellent extracurriculars
Very Good Essay
Very Good Recommendations
Sat: 610 W 580 CR and 800 M
so 1380/1600 and 1990/2400 overall
Do I have a good shot at getting in by regular decision?</p>

<p>Got my letter today.</p>

<p>3.7 UW, 4.1 W GPA
1380/ 2140 SAT
710 Bio SAT II; 660 USH
Very Good Essay, decent recs
very good extracurriculars</p>

<p>I received the 20k Dickinson Scholarship, so excited!</p>

<p>Accepted last week ;)</p>

CR 790 Math 720 Writing 740
Math IIc 770 Lit 770
Calc AB - 5, Eng -5. Euro -3
APs in progress
Stat, Calc BC, Psych, Eng, Bio
GPA 3.3 UW 4.1 W
Lots of ECs and volunteer</p>

<p>SO happy for the 20,000 scholarship</p>

<p>Son accepted last week on line. Got letter in mail yesterday. Very excited that he got the $20,000 Dickinson scholarship. </p>

<p>Stats posted earlier…but
GPA 3.5 UW/4.2W
33 ACT
IB diploma candidate
EC’s recs, essay all good
Colorado resident</p>

<p>Still nothing on MyUM or by mail - sounds like a rejection to me… OK though, he thought the campus buildings looked “prisons”! I tried to explain the value of hurricane proof architecture and building materials, but he remains unconvinced.</p>

<p>I still haven’t heard anything. Rejection here I come =]
The only other girl at my school (public maryland school) that applied has already heard back. I feel like that pretty much seals my fate haha</p>

<p>i dint hear anything either but im still hopeful</p>

<p>I agree that the buildings look like prisons from the outside… but how much time do I really spend looking at my dorm, anyway? lol… They’re just fine on the inside! :)</p>

<p>Yea still no word, frustrating. I know I didn’t get deffered because my friend who also lives here had that status on myum</p>

<p>Where does one check the application status?</p>

<p>In myUM the only admission options are:
Undergraduate Application for Admission
Application Documents Received</p>

3.79 UW 4.2 W</p>

<p>phahahahhaa i’m surprised i wasn’t rejected after looking at all the other stats on here…
my midyear grades are all a’s and one b, 2 ap’s 2 gt’s and an aiding period…here we go =]</p>

31 ACT
GCSEs and A Levels All A*s, As and a few Bs</p>

<p>I didnt get any scholarship info in my admissions packet. Hopefully that will come separately or else I won’t be able to afford to go.</p>

<p>scholarship info comes with decision. If you didn’t get anything unfortunately you didn’t receive a scholarship. There are still other opportunities to receive aid outside of umiami though, if you are still interested.</p>
