The Oscar Slap

The apology still seems to try to put some of Will Smith’s spin on it- come after me, okay, but come after my wife with a medical condition (which Chris Rock may or may not have known about) and you have crossed a line. The assault would not have happened if you had not disrespected my woman. That’s the way I viewed some of that apology. Others will surely disagree with my interpretation.

Many comedians are very concerned about this precedent of Will Smith being able to assault someone with no immediate consequences. Chris Rock showed great restraint and Will Smith should be thanking him for that and for not pressing charges.

A very sad, embarrassing incident. Very unfortunate to have this overshadow this event. I still can’t believe it happened! Crazy stuff.


Would I be out of place if I suggested (as some already have) that this was a hoax?

I appreciate that Smith has “apologized”, but the videos I’ve seen show both of them with a Cheshire Cat grin on their faces immediately after “The Slap”. In addition, Chris is much smaller than Will, and he barely moved after “The Slap.”

Just a contrarian view.

And, by the way, I’ve loved Chris Rock since he was on SNL. I’m not the biggest fan of Will Smith. But, this is so out of character for the both of them, that I really wonder if this was real.

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He apologized on social media like Tiger Woods apologized to ‘us’ for wrecking his family.

He needs to apologize to Chris Rock. Not me. They’ve known one another forever. Pick up the phone. I hope he has.

Reading your publicist’s words is bs.

Maybe the joke was wrong. Maybe or maybe not Chris Rock about her illness or the writers maybe knew.

Either way he comes off looking good. Kept his composure.

He had no idea the slap was coming. None it seems.

To keep his composure his unreal. I already think better of him, appropriate joke or not.


To be honest, we don’t know their character. We know their public persona. Unless you know them personally, you don’t know them.

One dude wrecked his reputation. And I hope he’s not hurting his family.

I’m not buying the hoax.

If he slapped and sat down, I might have thought at the time that it was a prank. But Will’s comments after sitting back down solidified for me that this was unplanned.


All part of the performance art, perhaps? The willing suspension of disbelief requires at least some semblance of reality. Will’s sitting down and not saying anything would be very unbelievable.

I don’t know. Just throwing it out there.

Yes, if you’ve heard the unfiltered/uncensored words from Will you would not think it was hoax - not on a live tv show!!!

Oh, I most definitely heard the words. It just seems like Will went from laughing to armageddon in a very, very short time.

Like I said, I don’t know. But I have been a fan of Chris Rock for more than 30 years, and I think he’s great.

Of course, I cannot condone making fun of an illness…never, not in a million years. But that’s not Chris’ MO, AFAIK.


Instead of a hoax, do we think it’s more likely WS had some substance in him (alcohol, cold medicine, whatever) that made him react in a way he might not have otherwise. The anger and then the crying made me think he might not have been “himself.” NOT saying that as a excuse, just as a possible explanation. To reiterate: I believe we are all responsible for our own actions no matter what the explanation or reason for them might be. Also note, I don’t really know much about him so am just generalizing about someone who did something shocking in a public setting.

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I agree that something is terribly odd about all this. These days, nothing would surprise me.

However, take a look at the slow-mo video of “The Slap”…both of them have a grin immediately right afterward. Will’s stance immediately prior to “The Slap” seems to come right out of his practice sessions for “Ali.”

I don’t think this was staged (and don’t see the purpose because they both look like jerks), but when I watched it my first thought was someone had too much to drink.

I thought he didn’t know and I believe him.

I can’t understand how any of you think this was staged. To what end? To embarrass yourself, take away the magic of the evening for others (Questlove), to risk losing your award or to solidify that you will be mocked by every late night comedian for the unforeseen future?
And did the charade include the tearful, rambling award acceptance speech?


To what end is performance art?

Again, I may be totally wrong, but maybe it was fake to demonstrate the “King Richard” role of taking care of family. Why, exactly, is that unbelievable?

When I saw the assault live, I thought initially this assault can’t be real, and then the cutaway, only to come back to see Will Smith seated but obviously out of control, obvious even with no audio. If it was a hoax, someone would have quickly made it clear that it was a just a joke as it quickly became clear it was such a distressing scene in the room, as well as for those watching live from all over the world.

So unfortunate.

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Do you really think that Chris and Will would have discussed this with the Academy, assuming it was a hoax?

If they didn’t run it by the producers and have permission, then that would certainly be a nutty thing to do. And when this supposed “hoax” went terribly wrong, I can’t imagine someone would not have stepped in to let people know it was a joke. I think we need to move on. It was clearly not a hoax, unless proven otherwise!


Happy to move on if asked by a mod…otherwise, it’s my view like you have your view.

The same as those that blame Will vs. those that blame Chris. Or a few like me that think this is a greatly orchestrated event.

It would not be the first time.

And those who believe both acted badly, with WS’s behavior being the most egregious.

Why is it so hard to believe that sometimes people act in crazy, reprehensible ways?

Perpetuating this hoax would have no up sides to it for anyone.

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Who knows? I certainly don’t. But something is very odd.

Just watch the smiles immediately after “The Slap”…curious.