The Oscar Slap

He didn’t know.

Maybe just ban comedians altogether.

I agree with that in terms of someone in shock. I just don’t think Will was. Don’t know him well enough to know though. Just my impression watching the incident.


I can show my opinion by never supporting anything that Will Smith does or participates in. Tbh though, I’ve never been a fan, and don’t recall seeing any of his movies. Just never cared for him or anything the fam does. Now I really don’t.


True, but mature adults know how to control their temper and not cause a scene. Will Smith’s reaction was childish and inappropriate and their should be consequences. Shock is not a good reason to act like a jerk.


Exactly! All Will did was give comedians more ammunition to make fun of him. Now they’ll be making jokes about Will Smith’s anger management issues. He could’ve handled this so much better and it wouldn’t have been a big deal at all.


Late night hosts were having a go at him last night.

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I thought Jim Carrey’s thoughts on this incident yesterday morning on CBS this Morning were really well spoken. (he was there to talk about a new movie but this came up in the conversation). He thought that security should have immediately removed Will Smith from the theatre. He said that anyone else that did this would have been removed. And he was disgusted with the standing ovation Smith got from his peers. I think he basically called them a bunch of cowards.

George Stephanopoulos seemed to have a similar view on GMA this morning.


Jimmy Kimmell: “Even Kanye was like, ‘you went on stage and did what at the award show?’”

Stephen Colbert: “That is the worst thing Will Smith has ever done…Wait, I forgot about Wild Wild West. "

Now that’s funny. :grin:


I saw that too and I agree with what he said! He should have been removed from the the theater and asked to leave.

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If I made a joke of that nature, then found out the actual situation, I would bee line it to my social media page to issue a public apology, and also make an effort to contact her directly to do the same. I would be mortified.

Just because Will Smith was the far worse transgressor here does not absolve Chris Rock.


Chris Rock shouldn’t have made that joke. But, Will could’ve reacted better. He could’ve been the better person. If he hadn’t punched Chris Rock, we probably wouldn’t be hearing much about this…
Also, Chris Rock didn’t go and punch someone at a classy event and yell out obscenities.


There is absolutely no argument from my end that Will Smith was completely and totally in the wrong on this. As I said before, imo his actions were not only selfish and stupid, but CRIMINAL. That is assault.

This isn’t black or white where only one person can be wrong.


Agree! The key word is “mature”.
I’ve had so many instances in educational and hospital settings where I had to tell a child/young adult: “I know that you’re angry, but I need you to slowly count to 10, and ‘shush’ out all of those angry feelings, so that I can have ‘wonderful you’ back.” (ex: one-shush, two-shush) It helps to reorient the anger.

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Not everything has to be public. No one has any idea if he reached out to her.
If I had to apologize to someone, I’d never do it via social media.


Disagree. If a person PUBLICLY ridicules someone on national television, they deserve the apology to be public. JMO. Private injuries-of course not.


I agree, is it okay for Will Smith to apologize privately?

Agree to disagree

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It seems some believe that Will Smith needed to apologize publicly (and when he did that, they reject his apology as written by others or as insincere even having no knowledge of this), but Chris Rock gets a pass.

Yes, agree to disagree.


Chris Rock is a comedian. If he had to apologize to every person he offended he would never have a free moment. Was the joke in bad taste? Of course it was. Comedians don’t need to apologize for a joke like that though.