The Oscar Slap

I was on chemo that caused full hair loss (wanted hair like on the head and eyebrows and lashes, and unwanted hair like on legs and underarms :joy:, a small silver lining!) for 18 months. It was more traumatic for me than I would have expected. Truly awful. Plus it took about 3 additional years of hair growth to get my long hair back. I’ve often wondered about the similarities/differences between chemo-induced hair loss and alopecia. On one hand, chemo hair loss is almost always temporary (although the texture may be permanently altered), and alopecia can range in severity and there are some treatments, but it is more likely to be permanent. On the other hand, chemo hair loss goes along with a life-threatening illness and so is tied up in a lot of additional emotional stuff beyond the loss of hair. I’m not saying one is worse than the other, just that they are different experiences, I’m sure.

But even as someone who went through this very painful situation, I can’t personally imagine making a big deal of this so publicly (I would never want to make ALL of those people around us so uncomfortable by me—or worse, my husband— making a big deal in the moment). I may or may not consider having a chat with Chris Rock after, or if I felt inclined, making a statement the next day in the name of alopecia awareness. I believe CR that he wasn’t aware of the situation, and so perhaps clueless but even as someone who suffered hair loss (and I had GREAT hair!!:joy:) I think it’s a real stretch to call this “cruel” if he didn’t know the situation. A mistake for sure, not very funny, but IMO not at the level of cruel. I am in the camp that it could be interpreted as a compliment to be compared to Demi Moore who looked fabulous in that film.


If he truly didn’t know, not cruel.

Most of us writing here would nevertheless apologize if we made a tasteless joke that we only learned was tasteless after the fact. I know I would.

But CR’s joke, even if he knew and deliberately intended to humiliate does not in any way, shape, or form justify WS’s response, which imo was criminal in addition to morally repugnant.


@oldfort, I read somewhere yesterday that it was the President of the Academy and the CEO that had asked WS to leave.

Even after Will Smith assaulted him and screamed at him to keep Jada’s name out of his mouth, I believe Chris Rock still tried to tell him he would not say anything again about Jada. Will Smith was acting crazed and I think it was brave of Chris Rock to even try to engage with him at all at that point, let alone craft some major apology.


I liked Will Smith. Now I don’t. He’s a punchline now.


I read a lot about Chris Rock yesterday and learned that when he was a kid, he was bullied because of his size, and developed his comedic skills as a defense mechanism. I saw footage of him later in the evening and he did appear to be in kind of shock.


Has anyone seen a reaction from Serena or Venus Williams? I’m very curious. First I assume that like most people, they thought it was very wrong to have that violent reaction. Assuming that, were they EXTRA upset that Will Smith then invoked their dad and used the cover of being a holier-than-thou-family-protector as his excuse? I could imagine them thinking, “How dare you?”. For that matter, I wonder how Richard Williams himself felt about that speech. But maybe they are big fans/friends of his, and perhaps they were ok with either the slap or the speech. Just curious.

ETA oops, this was meant as a general comment, not just directed to GKUnion.

Their father made a statement strongly against Smith’s actions.


Ok yes, that’s what I hoped/assumed, that the Williams family opposed the slap. So given that, I wonder if they were then ADDITIONALLY offended by how his speech pulled Richard Williams into his actions.

Incidentally I came across this…
:small_blue_diamond:Pfizer sponsors Oscars for $100+ mm
:small_blue_diamond:Pfizer is set to soon launch a drug for Alopecia
:small_blue_diamond:Oscars2022 - Will Smith slaps Chris Rock for joking abt wife Jada’s Bald Look
:small_blue_diamond:Massive Global Drama & Publicity over the Oscars Slap Incident
:small_blue_diamond:The world goes nuts talking about the slapping incident
:small_blue_diamond:Jada Smith opens up & speaks about what Alopecia is & the resulting hair loss

I would be livid if I were Richard, Serena, or Venus Williams. Will Smith 's acceptance speech was very strange, and how he was allowed to go on and on is beyond me.


Right after the slap, Serena was on her Instagram wide eyed, mouth open saying she had to put her drink down. As stunned as everyone


Nice pun.

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With my daughter’s alopecia, it started with a spot the size of a quarter, and just got worse. At its worst, most would’ve shaved, but she wore very large headbands, and had enough hair for a tiny messy bun. She got shots in her head every 6 weeks, very painful, bloody, she would just cry quietly (13 years old). They helped, hair would grow back in uneaten patches. She had the most gorgeous platinum blobs hair, doll hair, the new hair was a dark dirty blonde. She knows this is probably of a forever battle, and one she might lose. People with alopecia get mistakes for those with cancer, which can be difficult as well.

Thanks for pointing that out. Apparently, few people on here have seen Everybody Hates Chris, one of our family favorites.

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Everybody Hates Chris was one of my favorite shows - loved every episode.


I have never seen it. I have seen some of his movies and always enjoyed his work, but never knew anything about him apart from his public persona.

Burt’s bee baby website has (I believe) a toddler with alopecia as a model.

More musing…

I was not previously aware of Chris Rock’s documentary Good Hair (edit to correct title) and haven’t watched it yet but plan to. From what I’ve read in the synopsis I find it unlikely CR was aware of JPS’s alopecia. I really hope that’s the case anyway.

On another note, thank you to all the posters educating us on your and your loved one’s experiences with alopecia. Hugs.


I understand the interest in “The Oscar Slap”…hey, I’m reading the thread…but I did find Daniel Radcliffe’s response refreshing.

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