The Oscar Slap

Chris Rock got a lot of love at his first public post-Oscars gig:


I bet that was embarrassing for his daughter for him to announce that at a public venue. I hope she slapped him. (j/k)

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I have been thinking about this whole thing way more than I should, and I am not a mental health professional. But … I have to wonder if WS is having some sort of mental health crisis. This is such a break from his typical behavior and ability to control himself. And it is so outside of behavior norms - anyone in their right mind would never do what he did. And in that setting, which surely everyone he cares to impress is watching? It is truly bizarre, and he clearly did not have a grasp of the consequences and right/wrong at the time he acted. It can’t be blamed entirely on a sense of entitlement from being Hollywood elite - he has no history of acting like that in public, and he has been Hollywood elite for a long time. His uncontrolled rage looks to me like something broke. Even if he was motivated to protect his wife, that is not what a sane person does in that situation.

Anyway, not condoning what he did or excusing it. But my thought is that he is going through something serious and I hope he gets checked out.


That’s the most CC comment on this thread


Wanda Sykes was on Ellen yesterday. The clip I saw said that Chris Rock was apologizing to her! That the hosts were doing such a great job and now the talk was going to be about the slap, not about the hosts. He felt bad

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Wanda Sykes on Ellen


I watched about 20 minutes of Chris Rock’s Good Hair documentary over lunch… it opens with pics of his two daughters (his inspiration for the project), one of whom was apparently rejected by USC. The documentary is from 2009 so looking at their sweet, bright-eyed, smiling faces I felt like talking to the TV and saying “Love the school that loves you. Grow where you’re planted. You’ll be fine wherever you end up.” :joy:


Yeah, my kid (who had gorgeous shoulder length hair in high school) started losing his hair in college. Sometimes I think that’s half the reason he joined the Navy. The first thing they did to all the officer candidates was shave their heads!


I started losing my hair during my sophomore year of college. It wasn’t exactly my idea of a good time, but I’d rather lose my hair than struggle with a debilitating physical, or mental disabiltiy.

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Interesting videos included in the story. The second one showing Chris Rock’s reaction makes me feel empathy with him.


Nice video. It shows Jada to be the mean and nasty woman she has admitted to being, and also shows that it doesn’t occur to a single person around them to intervene. Total sickos all around.


I assume you are a man?

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Wow. I kind of wish I hadn’t seen that. Made me cry, because I heard today that Rock has a disorder that makes it difficult to pick up on social cues so he may have not understood what was happening when Smith came on stage.

So now, after being made fun of for a medical condition on live TV, she’s to blame (still waiting for Rock’s apology stating he wasn’t aware of her condition).

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Yes, I was a 19-year-old young adult male at the time.

I’m sorry it upset you. It made me sad even though I didn’t know of CR’s disorder.

Edited after reading the article you included: I can’t imagine not being able to pick up non-verbal cues. Thanks for sharing the article.

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Oh, gosh, not your fault! I just think about how people have been lauding him for taking the high road, when I think he really was in shock. And how he’s been seeing two therapists since his diagnosis. Just feel sorry for him.


One of the winners of Best Documentary (the award Chris Rock was tasked with presenting) is very unhappy with Chris Rock.

Rather than announcing the winners by name, Chris Rock said the following instead:

“I hope this is right,” said Rock, [who had just been slapped onstage by Will Smith] :

"Ahmir Thompson and four white guys.”

“I’m a big boy — I can take a joke. Comedians make jokes. But not in that moment,” he added. “What a s----y, disrespectful thing to do. I got back home to New York last night and saw the ceremony on my DVR and didn’t have the stomach to watch it. I probably never will.”

“The reason that makes me SO SO VERY ANGRY is because I was so proud to be one of a handful of South Asians to have ever won an Oscar in the history of the award,” Patel wrote Wednesday evening.

I felt bad enough for the winners of the Documentary award as it was. I didn’t know about this part of it.

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But it was a JOKE, so that makes it OK. :roll_eyes:


After the shock of the slap, what do you expect. I’m glad he didn’t slap Chris Rock for that.