The Oscar Slap

I am no expert on these things LOL but I think it is “cheating” only if the other person has the assumption that both parties are going to be faithful. If you and your partner agree to an open marriage, it’s not “cheating,” it’s just what happens in an open marriage. Both parties apparently sleep with whomever they want. I don’t claim to understand it, but I don’t think that is cheating.

What bothers me a lot about this whole episode (besides Questlove suffering from not receiving all the attention he and his doc should be getting today) is that Jada Smith seems to be a very strong woman. She doesn’t need a man to “defend” her. If I were her, I’d prefer to be the one to confront Chris Rock (with words, not a fist) and tell him what I thought of his joke.


She always looks stunning. She is a beautiful woman and has been since she started out in acting. I have seen her have various hairstyles and even shaved she is stunning.

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By acting the way he did, Will just gave comedians like Chris Rock more ammunition to make fun of him…

Yes! Jada did look really pretty! Poor thing, she’s going to be feeling a lot of the fall out from all this! That said, I do feel bad for Questlove too. I think Will owes him an apology as well. His well-deserved Oscar for a wonderful documentary is being overshadowed by Will Smith’s idiocy. Will Smith was being very disrespectful towards everyone there. I’m not defending Chris Rock, his joke was poor taste. But still…


Absolutely. And SNL will probably have a field day with this!


Yes, they will! And is Will going to loose control and storm onto the SNL set and cause another ruckus? He is lucky he didn’t hurt Chris Rock or that Chris Rock didn’t fight back and that it didn’t turn into a full on brawl!


So true! I feel bad for Questlove. I think Will should apologize to him personally for stealing his moment in the spotlight.


Yes, He could have really hurt Chris Rock with assaulting him like that out of the blue. Could have knocked him over, seriously injured him. He is very lucky that Chris Rock has not filed charges at this point.


Some of the jokes at the Oscar were really of poor taste, not just Chris Rock, how come nobody offended by them. The part that the female comedian was touching all the male guests, if this is the opposite sex doing it to the female guests, you would think that’s harassment. Then the jokes about tongue swapping to check for virus, that’s definitely disgusting, if a male presenter was making that kind of jokes, you would get an uproar.
Will Smith should be suspended and lock in jail, honestly.


I think some people are not understanding how offensive that joke was to many, I’m sure there are some who never had any experience with the emotional damage the condition causes firsthand.


His wife did roll her eyes from the video, but that’s no excuse to go up in front of millions of people and punch the guy.

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I totally get that the joke could have been hurtful and offensive to many. Hopefully, this incident does bring more awareness about alopecia.

But, the reaction by Will Smith to the joke that Chris Rock made was totally unacceptable. I can’t imagine any justification for his response, no matter how he or anyone else tries to spin it.


It was an offensive joke. But Will Smith’s actions were just as offensive. Slapping someone is childish. Will Smith should’ve taken the high road and maybe talked to Chris Rock backstage politely…

I thought that bit was horrible and uncomfortable, and part of me was wondering whether I was missing something or if it was some sort of F.U. response to the men of the entertainment industry who have objectified women for so many years. Nonetheless, it was very cringeworthy.

Regarding whether G.I. Jane reference was meant to be a compliment or a dig at her condition - if CR wasn’t 100% sure that she would take it as a compliment, then it should have been scrapped. If you have to explain a joke to someone, then it didn’t work. And if it was meant to be a compliment, then it shouldn’t have come out of a comedian’s mouth.

Neither man was in the right here. And no one, who hasn’t grappled with losing their hair because of alopecia or cancer or any other reason, should presume to know how someone who HAS experienced it, should feel or act when called out on national TV.

I don’t believe he didn’t know about her alopecia, but even if he truly didn’t, he still should have maybe done a bit of research before dropping a bomb like that. He obviously knew that she was featuring her baldness - he could have done a quick Google search to see why, and then the alopecia would have popped up.


Thoughts: Chris Rock made a film called " Good Hair" for his daughters. It looked at how hair is entwined in black culture, how it affects female AA identity and self esteem, etc. Knowing that for many women the saying “Hair is just hair” is patently false, I was stunned that he would make that joke. Not only was it not funny, it went beyond the pale into cruel-just a very low blow.

Will’s actions were criminal.

Will’s actions were selfish. He took away someone else’s moment, probably mortified Jada, and completely overshadowed the triumphs of every single other person who deserved to be celebrated last night.

The Academy should not have denied him his win, but they should have escorted him offstage and not allowed him back on, even if he won.

Chris Rock should publicly apologize to Jada-“It’s just a joke” doesn’t cut it when you are talking about a medical problem that comes with significant anguish and emotional struggle. Most women would be devastated if this happened. Because she is an actress and so much of an actress’s marketability is dependent on their looks, it would be additionally devastating.

Will should publicly apologize to Chris Rock. Apologizing only to the Academy and the fellow nominees was a cop out.

And those who say “I thought she looked beautiful.” If SHE doesn’t feel beautiful, and/or has not yet totally made peace with this, a joke of this kind is going to cut her regardless of how others see her. In order to feel beautiful, SHE has to believe it herself first.


On a serious note. Everyone thinks they know celebs. We say Will like he’s our buddy because we grew up with him.

He had issues with the first and imho better aunt viv. Got her fired. That should have been telling.

What we saw last night was criminal. If you didn’t know him, if he was just a random guy he would have been tackled, taken away, arrested. And we all would think that loser belongs in jail for a long time.

We don’t know him. We call him Will as he’s our friend because that’s what we feel.

Turns out he’s a short tempered jerk that doesn’t know how to control himself and could have physically harmed someone.

And the fact that we still talk about like he’s a neighbor or classmate is silly. He belongs in a orange jump suit with a court appearance. Not with the standing O he was given.


I’m actually “meh” on Will Smith as an actor. I think I watched maybe 10 minutes of the movie where he was a grumpy superhero and that’s it. Never watched his TV show.

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I don’t care what Chris Rock said. Nothing he said justified this assault.

The Academy should refuse Smith entry to any future Oscar shows. They are meeting now to decide what to do. But I bet they will do nothing. He’s too privileged and they’d be afraid of backlash.


It all hinges on whether Rock knew of her condition, IMO. If he did, it was a very unkind, unnecessary jab to call attention to her. If he didn’t, he may have meant it as a compliment as to how beautiful she is and therefore she should be in the G.I. Jane sequel.


Well I am in the camp that Will Smith was massively in the wrong, and this was a shocking assault. But it might be taking it far to say he belongs in jail for a long time. I think the average person on the street would not go to jail for a long time for slapping someone without resulting in injury, as egregious as it is. (Now, if he got unlucky and Chris tripped or fell to the ground and hit his head on something and was severely injured or died, that does typically result in a harsher penalty). But I do think he should have been sent out of there last night for sure.


I find it unlikely that Chris Rock didn’t know about Jada’s situation. However, it is nevertheless possible that he was unaware. But the minute he found out he had made a faux pas, he should have beelined to make a public apology to her. If I ever made a joke at the expense of someone else and learned something of this nature, I would be so mortified I couldn’t let a second go by without apologizing profusely.

As far as I know, he has not done so. Therefore my opinion of him and his “joke” remain unchanged.