The Oscar Slap

Just. Plain. Stupid.

Will Smith, count to 10. See your local counselor for anger management issues.

Chris Rock, research your jokes.

Jada Pinkett, the world doesn’t revolve around you. We don’t know your personal issues nor your inability to mask your displeasure. We can’t read minds and know that you were disgusted by the comment.
-Neither I, nor family/friends/ neighbors had any idea about your alopecia.
-We found out when WS told the world.
-GI Jane is who you’ve aspired to be. Pull Chris aside later and let him know that you judged his joke to be in poor taste given your condition.
Just stupid.
ETA: Will Smith has lost his self respect and his ability to convince anyone that he hasn’t. No more Will Smith movies for us.


I don’t think any of it was Jada’s fault at all! Why the snark towards her? She reacted to the joke with an eye roll. That’s it.

Also what do you mean about her aspiring to be GI Jane? I don’t get it? She’s not in a GI Jane sequel. She didn’t choose her condition.

This was men behaving badly.


Are you saying she aspired to be a bald woman?! She is a black beautiful bald woman, but didn’t choose to be bald. Shout out for the hair club for men, they have a wonderful program, hair club for kids, they literally make wigs for kids, human hair, for free, plus the whole process is free, cutting, styling, washing, attaching, products - it’s truly amazing!

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GI Jane was a character, portrayed in a movie by Demi Moore, as a bada$$.
I assumed, wrongly, that Jada would want to be portrayed as a strong, assertive, beautiful woman with a can-do attitude.
The “joke” which was bad, was that she was sporting a GI Jane hair look. My neighbor (childhood friend of my kids) is a GI Jane. She looks great and has broken barriers becoming a military pilot.

I wasn’t snarking. My group of friends and the neighbors, that were watching, indicated that we didn’t know why the GI Jane was insulting until the alopecia reference. We didn’t know her “condition” either. Then, we all said, OHHHH! Bad!

We don’t know these actors personal lives, and we don’t read minds, but we saw her facial expression in the Japanese TV replay and saw how Will Smith saw it. They are both actors so they should be able to maintain their anger until reaching the backstage area and talking to Chris and the Oscar’s staff.


Maybe she should have slapped Will Smith when he did all the shouting. Silence also means she’s approving of his action. I would have told my husband if he did something that stupid. This guy obviously has some mental health problem. Did he realize everything was captured on camera and millions of people all over the world saw it last night. And it will be there 30 years from now. The highlight of his winning the Oscar will forever be shadowed by this incident.

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Maybe she didn’t want to make a bad situation worse. Again, this wasn’t her fault. She didn’t choose to be bald and she didn’t choose to be the butt of a very poor joke.

Also, why should someone expect that she’d be honored to be compared to GI Jane? That’s just really reaching. The joke was about her being bald, period, and meant to be insulting.


Honestly I never noticed she’s bald until the slapping. I never said it’s her fault that’s she’s bald either, I think that’s off tangent. I think the joke was not rehearsed either, maybe it’s what comedians do, they ad lib, it wasn’t funny, but not all jokes are funny, even if they are at the Oscar.

Will Smith could have not moved a muscle, waited 10 minutes until he won, and used his acceptance speech to call Rock a bully for attacking his wife’s medical condition, and Rock would have never worked in mainstream comedy again.

I feel like there are two issues getting played out here: we as a society are being much more judicious and progressive about comedy/what is funny and the role of violence as a response to harm. I’m much more interested in the first issue for this instance because this hardly necessitated a violent outburst.

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I honestly thought at first, “Oh, they’re making a GI Jane 2? Jada Smith would be great in that. I’d totally go see that.”

Had NO IDEA of her alopecia before the Slap Heard Around The World.


What an odd and unkind take. Where in the world do you get the idea that Jada Pinkett thinks “the world revolves around” her?? She was the butt of a cruel joke-why should the victim be required to “mask her displeasure”???

And if you are critical that she didn’t mask her displeasure, why is your next sentence “we can’t read minds and know that you were disgusted by the comment”? I’m baffled by the logic here.

Jada Smith did nothing wrong here-the fault lies squarely with Christ Rock and Will Smith.


While I seriously doubt that would have ended Chris Rock’s career, I agree it would have been by far his best tactic.

“I think the joke was not rehearsed either, maybe it’s what comedians do, they ad lib, it wasn’t funny, but not all jokes are funny, even if they are at the Oscar.”

I read that somewhere-that he didn’t perform the joke at rehearsal. I would think if he had, someone would have filled him in about her condition, or if he knew and was purposely being unkind, would have advised him against it.

“Had NO IDEA of her alopecia before the Slap Heard Around The World.” You aren’t in the business and don’t know any of the principals, so not necessarily that surprising. Chris Rock, on the other hand, IS in the entertainment industry and knows the people involved here. The odds that he knew about it are much higher than the odds that you and your friends would have known.

And again, if he didn’t know, he does now, and should man up and publicly apologize to her.


Cruel and not funny are two different things. What if she was public about a pregnancy loss, and Chris Rock said “at least Jada can enjoy a glass of wine tonight!” Not funny or cruel?


You can bet that Chris Rock will make Will Smith jokes for the rest of his life.


The Academy needs a better plan for dealing with bad behavior - they gave Will Smith too much air time to make his speech after winning the award. They should have cut him off (or made him unavailable). Watching it live, there were several moments where they cut off the video and replaced it with an academy awards image, but then they removed it and then reinserted the image again, then gave up on that idea and returned to showing the TV audience Will Smith again. I think the Academy should ban him from attending for X number of years at the very least.


Jimmy Kimmel’s take on this last night was hilarious.


I am surprised we have not seen footage from the past of Will Smith making comments on women or men’s appearances. If I remember correctly, his character (script, of course) on Fresh Prince would poke fun at the other character’s looks. As a comedic actor has he never made a public comment about someone’s appearance?


You can’t hold actors responsible for things they say in character during a performance!

I don’t understand why this question is relevant. Jada Smith was the butt of the cruel joke-I seriously doubt she has a history of making crass comments about the physical manifestation of a health problem as a way to be “funny.”


Jada Smith is a strong independent woman. She doesn’t need some dude to defend her.


This morning I read “Will Smith’s” apology to Chris Rock - definitely not written by Will Smith (which is why I put his name in quotes) - it’s polished and not in his “voice” (you know, the voice we tell our kids to use when they’re writing college entrance essays).

It’s pathetic. The absolute very least he (WS) could do is actually apologize to him.


Aside from lines that Smith may have said in character, I think there is most likely footage out there of him making fun of another person’s weight or other physical features. I could be wrong. I remember a lot of comedians back in the day who thought it was ok to comment on Oprah’s weight.

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