The significance of upward trend?

<p>I can say that over the course of high school, I've definitely kicked myself into shape. I guess I got caught up in being "rebellious" in middle school, and it definitely hurt my grades entering high school. However, I'm still worried about my underclassmen stats.</p>

<p>So here is how my GPA looks from year to year (A+ is 4.33, A is 4 etc). I'm not sure how each school does it but that's how mine does.
Freshman year: 3.45
Sophmore year: 3.65
Junior year: 4.0 </p>

<p>I've had increase in rigor each year, my schedule is now most difficult in terms of APs/Honors classes.</p>

<p>I'm wondering if I have a decent chance in getting into schools like NYU, UMich, Lehigh, UVA, Emory. I'm not really looking into applying at any Ivies or colleges of that selectivity. </p>

<p>If anybody could shed any light on my situation, it'd be great.

<p>bump. any insight is greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>It’s really good to show an upward trend, as long as you keep it up, but I really can’t tell you your chances at those schools without your ECs, SATs, etc. Though if you keep up the 4.0, you’re fine GPA-wise for any school.</p>

<p>Upward trends are definitely impressive. You’re probably in the range for most of those schools, but UVA is extremely competitive for OOS.</p>