The Simpsons April 30

<p>Did anyone see it? In it, Principal Skinner makes remarks about how women are inferior to men in math. It relates to what happened to Larry Summers. It was fun to watch and it gave me a break from studying for ap tests this week.</p>

<p>Lol yeah. A lot of the writers are Harvard grads so that explains why those those that story.</p>

<p>The episode was ok (about average for a simpsons episode, imo).</p>

<p>Indeed, when I realized the parallel between this episode and Larry Summers I couldn't help but laugh.</p>

<p>Yes they made it blatantly obvious and it was too drawn-out, I thought. I mean maybe as a side-joke (which still wasn't that funny to me) but basing an entire episode on it...ehhh.</p>