<p>So I was at Target today... and I saw The Skulls trilogy for sale. Obviously I had to buy it, and I just watched The Skulls I. It was great, complete with all the Skull and Bones stereotypes!</p>
<p>So I was at Target today... and I saw The Skulls trilogy for sale. Obviously I had to buy it, and I just watched The Skulls I. It was great, complete with all the Skull and Bones stereotypes!</p>
<p>ahhh! that’s awesome. i remember i found out one of my good friends got into yale ea and then that weekend i watched the skulls and got so excited to apply myself.</p>
<p>That movie was awesome- too bad Skull and Bones is like dirt poor now (not that I really now). I wouldnt mind a 100k check, plus a 20k bonus instant!</p>
<p>And the instant “pre” acceptance to any law school</p>
<p>^ I watched that movie when I was 11, and the branding scene freaked me the heck out.</p>
<p>Skull and Bones gives you 120k?</p>
<p>Pssh. The Porcellian gives you a MILLION. Or so some people say.</p>
<p>Lol it was 120k in the movie. But yeah The Porc rumor is a million haha</p>