<p>Being able to fully appreciate The Stranger in fourth grade is extraordinary. Really, that's amazing. I would guess it is pretty unusual that a person of any age could read that book and then say "Yea, I understand what Camus is saying here." That you are so incredibly gifted shouldn't take anything away from the book, though.</p>
<p>Also, it's pretty ridiculous to say that The Stranger could have been written by anyone. You said it yourself, the style fits the theme, and very few writers would be able to so meticulously keep up that style throughout 100+ pages. Also, to create such a complex character as Meursault with such sparse details is a great accomplishment. You have to judge what an author does in the context of what he set out to do, and I don't think you could argue that Camus didn't just about hit the nail on the head in The Stranger. </p>
<p>If you don't have some appreciation for that, then I think your ability to actually appreciate the book must be questioned.</p>