The Student Answer Service Delivery Time??

How long does it typically take for the SAT’s Student Answer Service to deliver?

I just got my D’s student answer service from the Nov. 4 SAT.

Where? Email, on, ?? Thanks!

It came today by snail mail. By the way, you don’t get to see the questions. You basically get the score sheet with a breakdown by category:

Writing & Language
Math - Calculator
Math - No Calculator.

In each group of answers there are 5 columns

  1. question #,
  2. Your answer (check mark for correct, X for incorrect)
  3. Difficulty Level (Easy, Medium Hard)
  4. Sub-score (indicates what subcategory the question pertained to: Command of Evidence, Words in Context, Expression of Ideas, Standard English Conventions, Heart of Algebra, Problem Solving & Data Analysis, or Passport to Advanced Math)
  5. Cross Test score (indicates if the question pertained to Analysis in Science or Analysis in History/Social Studies)

My D’s score sheet was more reassuring than helpful. Her misses were pretty evenly spread across the categories. There was no single area that was weaker than another. She basically missed a few of the hardest questions in each category.