The Submitted sign didn't turn to Download! Please clarify

<p>My Common App and Supp were submitted yesterday. I checked today and they both said "Downloaded" as expected. My school forms, however, do not say "Downloaded". Is this the case for you guys as well? Or is it just the Common App and Supp that turn into "Downloaded"?</p>

<p>School forms should be imcompleted for every one as your consulor needs to send mid year report and end year report.</p>

<p>Oh I see. But what about the Teacher Recommendations. For Teacher 1 and Teacher 2, it says “Start Date” and “Submitted Date” or something like that. I’m wondering if the “Submitted” should turn to “Downloaded” for the Teachers</p>

<p>it’s going to take them a while to download everythinggg. just wait a week or two i think.</p>

<p>Another question:</p>

<p>I submitted both my app and my supplement last night. But the “Supplement” icon is a yellow square instead of a green arrow. It says “Submitted on whatever,” but it also still has the due date (which disappeared for the app).</p>

<p>The color-coded icons are a little glitched up. Don’t worry about them.</p>