The Tours, The Journey and the Decisions moving forward

Hahaha @GoForth ! @SpartanDrew I think it really depends on so many variables! If I remember correctly, you live in the upper Midwest (is that right?); so for you, flying home from Miami is about the same distance as flying to Boston (give or take)…so, yes, maybe it’s nice to do the auditions in two bursts with a couple of weeks in between. For you guys, this would add just one day of travel, as you would still combine the NY/Boston trip, right? I don’t think that’s too bad. You have to do what feels right for you both. For my D’s auditions we were coming from the far West Coast for everything, so if we had flown back home between each audition it would have significantly added to the cost and exhaustion factor. As long as you leave enough time for those college visits and trial lessons, I think you’re good either way. I will say that for every day of airplane travel you will need a recovery day (you don’t want to fly the day before an audition)…we were SO TIRED of airplanes by the time we were done…

Yes we are midwest. I looked at flights and honestly, the cost for 2 separate flights is about the same as the 4-way ticket. Probably would be less hotel/vrbo cost and meals. I’m just thinking of travel and how exhausting it can be. We would be packing and going a lot.

We did have a sense of road wear at a certain point. We trimmed off our last audition trip because enough good evidence had built up in favor of S’s top picks. That requires luck in the sequence of auditions, so it can’t necessarily be duplicated. Vacation time is also “expensive” for me - I could have sent S out without me if a balance had to be drawn.
We did 3 separate weekends of driving (upright bass issues) to TX, FL and MI. It was nice being in FL for a week to have a break from driving during those days. I don’t know if it was only road wear - the whole wear from audition prep, college selection, and all that kind of add up into a composite level of wear.
Maybe if you get pre-screen acceptances from everywhere, you delete one choice. Or accept the whole thing as a 12-day taxing adventure. Or find some other creative combinations of having D travel without you for part of the journey, breaking it into two pieces, compressing it into fewer than 12 days - it is quite the puzzle - you are right to feel challenged.

I would do the warm weather trip (FL) separate from the cold weather trip (NY, Boston)

I think you need to go with your “gut instinct” on this…what is best for you and your D?

I’m sure I had it all laid out in my mind…but I did change the Jacobs audition probably around this time (can’t fully remember). I know one concern was money. I was trying to have each trip isolated with a week or two in between (I just felt that was better…nice to be home in your own bed and your own routine). But I could put the Jacobs audition with MT Unifieds and save money and get the process moving!! It’s hard to be sitting around in January feeling like you have barely started.

What I’m trying to say is that your plans/feelings can change during this process (as your D’s will). What all made sense in August, may not in December. For me some of it was money-driven by the fact that she passed all her pre-screens. And I have to admit a feeling of “we just need to get this over”. Will she really want to audition the first week of March!?!? Ugh! You start getting tired. So I called and moved an audition.

I think you should sleep on it a few nights…but I would’t be afraid to make a change…if it feels right and your D agrees.

very helpful advice. I talked with D briefly about it this morning before she ran out the door. I think sleeping on it is a great idea although I am really starting to lean towards 2 separate trips to spread it out from a cost and energy perspective. I don’t even take 12 day vacations so this trip seems extraordinarily long to me. I think the road wear will hit in a big way. We would be in 4 different locations moving, packing and unpacking and packing. Sounds like a grind…

D got her acceptance letter this morning to Loyola New Orleans with a nice academic scholarship!! WoooHoooo!!! She is very excited! The director of admissions said she would get her music school admissions decision a week or so after her academic admission (with hopeful additional merit money). It’s great to have the first one in the bag! Well actually second one since Western Mich also sent academic letter of acceptance. :slight_smile: Whew!

Congrats @SpartanDrew ! Great program! My son has not applied there yet but if it remains in serious contention for both then we should compare investigative notes!

@vistajay Yes for sure! D is ecstatic. She loved NOLA. That being said we really need to get a better feel for the school so after she receives her decision and hopeful offer from the music school as well as all of her others schools it will likely warrant a return trip to meet with everyone there again and get a better feel for housing, curriculum, etc. One of my big concerns is the apparent lack of food options for vegetarians (despite what they say on their website). It would be good to get a better feel for that.

Also, @bridgenail your advice has been great. I emailed Frost and asked to move up the audition date after D and I spoke about it. I think it really makes the most sense to separate them by a couple of weeks for a breather and some recovery time. The road wear aspect GoForth mentions really gives me pause. Hopefully that will work itself out for the VRBO rental as well although moving it up also means moving up the cancellation date. I may just have to hold my breath and hope it’s still there when we hear back that she passed the prescreen.

Congratulations to your D @SpartanDrew !

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Thank you @coloraturadad!

S18’s audition season began in earnest this weekend, with trips to Furman and then SMU. Furman went very well it seems. He had a great lesson with a very well credentialed voice teacher, that encouraged him and put him at ease. Teacher seemed to like him and they had a good rapport. Audition itself was also supportive. He sang an Italian song and an English song, and fhen the panel of 6 chatted with him about his career goals and other college interests. He wished he could have stayed to see the evening Messiah concert. On to SMU!

That’s fabulous @vistajay!! Keep us posted on details like that. Super helpful. I am looking forward to getting into audition season as well. First one on the road on January 20 (not including Loyola which should get us music school notification next week). D has been preparing her music for auditions as well as 2 holiday shows she has gigs for locally. First one last night was wonderful. One more this next week. Great performance opportunities which helps with everything else as well.

SMU audition went well too. S18 thought he sang well. 5 teacher panel with not much chatting. Lots of kids auditioning so in and out in less than ten minutes. They did ask him to sight read a bit.

Well we finally got some great news around here this week. As @GoForth mentioned we are currently in the waiting/crickets phase of college prescreens. Haven’t heard back on any yet. I assume it’s still very early, hoping that’s the case anyway. We found out last week that D was selected as an honorable mention winner in voice for YoungArts and then found out this week she made the cut for the NY Regionals in APril! We are thrilled! She will get an all-expense paid week in Manhattan with full days of intensive workshops with faculty and mentors that culminates in a performance at the end. Super excited.

Now come on colleges!!! We would love some more good news please!

Impressive, @SpartanDrew ! Tell your D to break a leg (or whatever they say in the jazz world)!

One step back for S18 as the snowy weather blanketing the SE today resulted in cancellation of his flight to audition at S Carolina. He has conflicts with the remaining audition dates, so may have to send a video. Just as well as my wife was supposed to take him and she was not happy about driving from the Greenville airport to Columbia in the snow and ice. We don’t get much practice with that down here.

Have you asked the schools to accommodate the conflicts? Some will.

What a bummer @vistajay! Keep us posted on what the school says.

First response from a music school after an audition, and its a rejection from SMU. I know there are brighter days ahead but only the most dire scenarios cloud the brain now. If only it had not been the first one.

What!!! Oh man I’m so sorry @vistajay. Did S like it there? High on his list? There are better things coming his way, just keep the faith. So many people on this board have told me that our kids will end up exactly where they are meant to be and I’m holding onto that mantra. I believe it too. My S, an engineering student in his junior year, is full on stressed out right now. He’s applied to a very elite study abroad program and worries he won’t cut the mustard to get in. Meanwhile there’s another study abroad program that he knows he can get into that’s also good. I told him “if the elite one doesn’t want you then it’s not the right fit for you either and you’ll find the perfect fit for you”. I believe that and think it translates for our musician kids as well. Hang in there…good news is still on the horizon. And FYI Furman is beautiful so hoping for good news there for you soon!