The Tours, The Journey and the Decisions moving forward

@vistajay my D is cool about it as well. Loyola told the EA applicants they would all have results in 2 weeks which would have been last Friday. UGH!!! Trying to hang in there but patience is NOT my virtue LOL. It would really be great to get some good news before the holidays. That being said I do know that last year most of the schools where D is waiting for invitations from didn’t send them out until the last week of December or early January. We were just hoping for some good news before the holidays hit…(insert cricket sounds)

This process is so hard for music kids and their parents. My D comes home every day and tells me about all of her friends getting into this school or that, every day people ask her, or us, where she is going to college and every day we repeat the same story. Even to our own family! “She won’t know until the end of March, she hasn’t even started auditioning yet”. I want to tape record myself and hit “play” everytime someone asks. I SO get the PTSD comments from all of the parents commenting on this thread that have been down this path before…

I am going to make a sign for my son that says, “Thanks for asking but I will not know what college I will attend until March or April.” And I am going to put it in his stocking. I bet he likes it as much or more than any other present, LOL!

Hahahaha that’s awesome! I love it. Can you make one for us too??? Geez. FYI just heard that Loyola EA decisions are going out this evening. Fingers crossed for both of our kids tonight for Furman and Loyola.

I usually just wear a shirt that says “NO”. It covers many cases.

Love it @GoForth ! Well, finally some good news. D was accepted into Loyola jazz studies with what I think is the high end of their merit money for jazz voice so her total merit there is about half of COA. That brings the cost to around the cost of in-state tuition for our major Universities here. Good news! We will take it!

Yay! Fantastic news. Congratulations!

Yes! You have an early acceptance…and still a long way to go. It’s an easier ride after an acceptance. A big congrats. And all you had to do was believe. It’s not as easy as it sounds…but you’ll get used to it.

Thank you!! A big relief and much needed good news heading into the holidays.

@SpartanDrew Great news! Congrats. Loyola sounds like a great place for her.

My D got good news from one of her non-audition programs this week (CSU- Humboldt). It is an in-state option that is inexpensive and is a school she would be happy to attend. In keeping with the idea that options are beneficial, I encouraged her to apply to a non-audition safety, non-audition match and a non-audition reach. After the cost of prescreening and auditioning, I figured three more application fees wasn’t going to hurt. Plus, I agree with compmom, you never know what they may choose to do.

My daughter told my wife she had a nightmare in which “dad kept telling me to check my email.” Okay, time to back off… :slight_smile:

Bear House, a daughter singing in her room by day and dreaming about Dad’s angst by night is a funny but true to life picture. Love the story about the nightmare in which “dad kept telling me to check my email.” And your wise reaction.

On another subject, the"chatting" on this thread seems so cozy but I just noticed that 15,600 people have read it.

San Fransisco Conservatory prescreen passed! And I didn’t have to ask her to check her email!

Nice, @BearHouse !

In the words of Charlie Brown…”We got a rock” LOL. Just a happy holidays email from NEC and please don’t pester us with prescreen results, you’ll have your answer by January 10th. Haha! Oh well…at least we have a date D will know by. Happy Holidays everyone!

I am recommending the “not bugging” your child approach. Today, she got news she passed UCLA’s pre-screen. This not asking is paying dividends. Happy Holidays all! Hope everyone hears good news.

Y’all are on a roll, @BearHouse ! Happy Holidays to this great group of parents and tbeir talented kids.

@SpartanDrew I know what you mean about the Rocks! D has gotten several fat envelopes in the last few weeks from schools she has already auditioned at. Just marketing, no info about acceptance. UGH! D has three acceptances going into the holidays. Most of the other places she auditioned won’t release more info until March, and she has another round of auditions at Chicago Unifieds in early Feb. So we are heading into a long quiet spell, now.

Yup we are in a drought until after Christmas. But we are in San Diego enjoying some beautiful weather and sunshine! D was able to connect with her Grammy camp band guitarist who is throwing a house party on the 26th in LA so we plan to go and she can sit in and sing with them for a jazz jam! How fun! Merry Christmas everyone!

First music school admit for S18! He got a letter from Furman today, with a very nice music scholarship. We will see what other offers come along, but Furman is in his top 2-3.

Congratulations, @vistajay !! So nice to have an offer before the New Year!

Great news @vistajay !