The Tours, The Journey and the Decisions moving forward

@SpartanDrew so exciting on all fronts for you. One of my son’s was accepted to Purchase and I don’t recall scholarships being mentioned in the acceptance letter. I do remember that when we hesitated, they came up with more. So hang in there!
And she has a few favorites. I have a feeling the order might change as $$ become known

@GoForth In your experience, was WP money all offered at the same time? We received a “financial aid package” letter today which mentions the academic awards she was already notified about. There is no item for music merit, which we had been anticipating.

D had first rejection (Chapman) but it came the same day as a UC Irvine formal letter of acceptance (with stickers). So no wailing or gnashing of teeth regarding the rejection. We have not heard about music scholarships yet. Although, I think our in-state UC’s are a good deal already. Waiting…

@SpartanDrew and @Melodyminor In '16 both Purchase and WP listed music merit on the official acceptance letter, though that practice may have changed by this year. You’ll know for sure when you are sent the official financial aid award letter that gives instructions on how to accept or decline. You can always call admissions to ask for clarification, or to give them a nudge if it is a top choice and merit will swing your decision their way.

Spartan Drew, did you ask the schools before sending a recording of the new song? This might be akin to academic applicants sending some new award or other accomplishment, a question that comes up a lot on other forums (like those for elite colleges). Generally advice is to send additional info if the accomplishment is significant enough to affect the decision, if it is early enough, and often it is suggested to ask the admissions office. The other point raised is that the additional material has to justify the impact on admissions folks because they would be overwhelmed if everyone did this.

I am sure in your daughter’s case this additional submission was well worth it, and most likely you did communicate with the schools. Just raising the issue for others down the road. Good luck!

Yes, D sent a thank you email to all of the faculty at her schools and in it asked if they would be interested in hearing the new recording and seeing the chart and they responded with a yes. Except for Frost, I don’t think she mentioned it in the letter of thanks but sent along anyway since she auditioned with it for CAM. We have had a lot of correspondence with Frost so I’m not concerned in that regard.

@indeestudios thanks for the info. D did not get any merit info in her WP acceptance letter however the head of jazz studies there told her she would absolutely get a scholarship so I’m assuming it will come in a different letter. Nothing in the official Purchase letter either so that would remove it from consideration if there is no merit offered. Maybe another FA letter will be sent from there. Nothing has changed on portals for either Purchase or WP.

@Melodyminor - I just browsed the Journal, and post #333 reminded me that all WP info came at once on 13 March 2017:

@SpartanDrew If your D got an acceptance without a scholarship and one was discussed by the dept head, I would call to follow up. It won’t hurt and if there was a snafu, you are making him aware. D had expected a scholarship in VP at NYU and nothing came in the acceptance package. When I followed up with financial aid office and the department head, it turned out that he had requested academic merit money, but it was not given by the financial aid office because we had no financial need. In the past the music dept had access to academic and talent money without need. He requested her scholarship come from the academic pool of money because of her high grades, but there was a change in policy that he wasn’t aware of. In the end he had to fight for talent money from the provost because all had been given out. The process took several weeks. Not saying there’s a problem in your case, but after going through that, I say— check to be safe!

Well here we go again with the Monday blues and the hopeful anticipation of good news this week. Added to the blues is the unwelcome time change and waking up in the pitch black. Plus our lovely weather decided to dump down snow on us again to add insult to injury. Really hopeful for some good news this week but expectations are low. I suspect it will be a week with minimal news at best. I think next week and the last week will probably be the big news weeks…hang in there parents! We are in the home stretch.

@uskoolfish the head of jazz studies at WP mentioned to D in an email that she would definitely get scholarship. That letter hasn’t arrived yet. No mention of anything in the Purchase email or letter but we haven’t received any kind of a financial aid letter from them yet either. I’m not holding my breath on that one. If no scholarship is offered there then that will be off the list. Currently we have some more affordable options on the table so we will see. D is being very measured in all of this which makes me happy. If she has a top choice she isn’t saying it out loud to me or anyone else that I can tell. I think she wants to see how her offers come in, how much scholarship she gets and then start narrowing the list at that point. Honestly that makes me very happy. She knows we have a line drawn in the sand on how much we are willing to pay and that we won’t let her get student loans and accumulate debt. I think it’s also a bit of a pride thing. She wants to go where she is really wanted and scholarships are a way of showing a kid some “love”. So anyway, we will see. Whenever a friend tells me they talked to D about colleges I always ask them “Did she say anything about a top choice???” That’s how much in the dark I am…truly. AAACK!

Jersey kids get a great value at WP - especially if they go with the honors program.

My son is all about that 'Love" factor. He’s got a workable offer at his top choice but Frost could sway him with a big package. Love to see that portal open on Friday but its most likely next week

This week we have the spring musical. Get to watch my wife cry her eyes out as son finishes his acting career as the Prince in Cinderella

Hey everyone. Well today stunk. No snail mail and a long boring day of nothing. Until the awesome @coloraturadad sent me this thread from last year. I hadn’t seen it before but it was very helpful. I think this thread is accomplishing the same thing this year but if you want to look back at last’s year’s anxious parents, @BassTheatreMom, @dramasopranomom, @GoForth, I think this is useful. I’m about to start surfing the “April Angst” thread they posted as well.

@SpartanDrew What a trip down memory lane! I am going nuts right now. So far D has 8 rejections, 4 acceptances, 1 waitlist. She is waiting on 6 more decisions. Reviewing last year’s MT acceptances, it looks like all but one should come this week. The last one next week. Tick Tock I say. Then we can start looking at prom dresses.

I spent a lot of time in “March Madness” and “April Angst” last year! Hi @BassTheatreMom! Good luck with those remaining decisions.

Hang in there @BassTheatreMom . You’ve been there before. Piece of cake! Now as far as the Prom dress, that’s a tough task!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Hi @classicalsaxmom Same here. This year I"m just floating around on the MT board. THere are so many more of them, I haven’t really chatted much. I come back here to talk to my people. :))

HUGE news for us… University of Denver just offered my daughter $48,000 per year scholarship!!! Tuition is currently $46,000 per year, so that probably covers yearly increases. As my daughter said…“I’m going to college”!!!

Congratulations @NYsaxmom ! What a wonderful situation to be in!

Fantastic, @NYsaxmom! Please congratulate her for me!

@coloraturadad Thanks! I’m so excited about prom shopping. D is easy to shop for and with. She can be a patootie about other things, but we generally see eye to eye on that.

How are you and your D doing? I know you are glad your daughter was not aroudn for the hurricane, but has it been very hard on your daughter being so far away with so much going on at home? What a difficult year for you all.

Congratulations @NYsaxmom . That’s the Lamont School of music correct?