The Tours, The Journey and the Decisions moving forward

Sorry @BearHouse. I’m bracing myself for a day of rejection as well. I just hope it’s not to one of D’s top choices as we are still waiting for results from them. Hang in there. I still think we may be waiting on NEC and New School the last week of March…

It’s all alight! My daughter has put UC Irvine stickers on her car already! We talked last night and her top four are all in-state options. UCLA was one of the four but she wouldn’t have put it 1st unless there was a real “incentive” to go. I think she will submit her UC SIR (Statement of Intent to Register) this next week to Irvine. She has two more of the top four to hear from but it would likely take a financial offer that I doubt they will make.

We have not broached the subject of scholarships yet nor have we heard anything. The vocal professor called her and said she would be receiving information about “the music department and scholarships” soon. However, it is not clear if she got one or not. Either way, the UC tuition and fees are a bargain for in-state residents compared to other options. Although, her eldest sister is in college now…so a little tuition relief would be welcome!

She rescinded her application to University of Arizona. She declined the ASU offer as well as Cornish. She also canceled her audition at San Fransisco State University. So this is wrapping up quickly for us. What a relief. Can’t wait to hear where all our kids land!

I also will add that when my DD applied, she included three non-audition programs. She picked a non-audition safety (Humboldt), match (Cal Poly Pomona) and reach (UC Santa Cruz). All have classical voice programs but base admissions on your paper application. I encouraged her to do this because, while I think her voice is lovely, we knew that classical voice is competitive and we had no idea how she’d fair. She was admitted to Humboldt and Cal Poly Pomona but denied at UCSC.

If she had to do this over again, I’d still advise the same for her. Once Humboldt admitted her in November, we all breathed a sigh of relief because we knew she could go somewhere to study music. I think this is especially important if your kid has average stats or you really don’t know their talent level.

@BearHouse , we did something similar by including a non-audition LAC. Our ultimate safety though was Fordham, which does not even have a classical voice major. We figured if he had to find a private voice teacher and performance opportunities outside college, NYC would serve better than most!

My D had 2 non-audition LAC as safeties: Simpson and Luther, both in Iowa. They both offered nice scholarships. Looks like no talent scholarship from Baldwin Wallace Conservatory, just academic. Bummer - first school not to offer talent money. I’m sure they have plenty of sopranos. Still waiting for 3 more final scholarship offers - including top 2 choices. Time for wine.

Well we are almost at the start of a new week. Hoping to have Frost and at the very least WMU decisions this week. Hoping for NEC and New School too but not counting on it…

Post #2190 on the Miami EA thread. I can’t recall but somebody on here had a kid that was invited to a scholarship weekend. Anyone recall who? @JerseyParents or @vistajay maybe?

@SpartanDrew , my S18 did attend Miami’s scholarship weekend. He got an email this morning awarding him the full tuition scholarship!

AAAAAAAACCCCKKKKKK!!! @vistajay that is outstanding!!! WOW!!! HUGE CONGRATS! Not enough caps or exclamations for this!! Is he going to Miami then? Had he applied EA and already been admitted?

CONGRATULATIONS @vistajay ‘s S!!!


@vistajay What wonderful news! Congratulations!

@vistajay Fantastic! Congratulations!

Congratulations!!! @vistajay

Huge congrats @vistajay!!!
Just as @SpartanDrew said, hoping the Miami results come out this week now that their spring break is over. But I think Frost has dropped to 4th choice in our neck of the woods!!
And doubting we will here Oeabodu offer for 2 weeks as prof emailed again to that effect plus this week is their spring break

Wow @vistajay , congratulations to your S! I assume Frost is leading :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :). Time to pop the champagne!

@vistajay that’s incredible! What wonderful news!

@vistajay CONGRATS! So I never heard of scholarship weekend. Do all conservatories or universities do something similar?

Big, huge, fat congratulations @vistajay !!!

@vistajay is the scholarship weekend for potential Stamps scholars???