The Tours, The Journey and the Decisions moving forward

I am really going to miss my D’s singing in our house!

Yes, we miss the music.

I will miss the music too! Luckily, S22 is teaching himself the piano on big brother’s keyboard. Not so pretty yet, but still nice.

Wow. D got a call from the head of admissions for the college of performing arts at Loyola NOLA last night right before she got on stage for a gig. She told her to call me today since she was about to perform. I just hung up from a 30 minute call with her. I am flabbergasted. They are recruiting her HARD to come to Loyola and said she would be their “featured” standout vocalist from day one. The admissions person said she was “blown away” by her audition videos. She also said she has already started the appeal process to get her more money! Geez! She made all kinds of promises… featured vocalist with their amazing swing band that performs at New Orleans Jazz fest every year, gigging immediately at a known music joint on Frenchman’s street, the works. I’ve never experienced anything like that before! I felt like Michael Oher’s parents in the Blindside when Coach Saban comes to visit and offers up every imagine promise to lure a prized athlete!! Good grief! CRAZY! :-))

Oh my goodness, @SpartanDrew! That’s incredible though!

Love the Love, @SpartanDrew !

Me too @vistajay! It’s so nice and unexpected truthfully! Helps ease the April angst a lot.

Oh @SpartanDrew that’s amazing!! How wonderful for her (and you)! You made my day!

@SpartanDrew fabulous!!! Thats the way it should be. Your daughter has crazy talent. And New Orleans would be a fab place to visit

And to everyone who is going to miss their kids singing round the house…I’m glad mine currently does not sing around the house!!! :))

LOVE @SpartanDrew ! And @NYsaxmom , lolol! My D played the clarinet and then the oboe for a hot second in middle school, and I must confess to fervently hoping to never hear her practice those instruments again.

@dramasopranomom :-)) that’s exactly how I feel about my daughter picking up the french horn again. Like a goose dying somewhere. Although she has now decided to try to play her brothers trumpet…for what reason I do not know.

There were some moments when my strings players were learning…but they got better. My son plays cello so nicely now—-it’s only when he’s learning something new and especially difficult that I wonder what’s being killed upstairs, and I will definitely miss hearing him sing Handel in the shower when he goes.

My D picked up the cello for a few months just for fun. Fortunately, it wasn’t too horrible.

She is now completely done with the process. She sent in her registration intent form, applied for housing, and paid the necessary deposits. Claire Trevor School of Arts, UC Irvine. Rated by Money Magazine as the top campus for beach lovers. Oh my. She is already wanting a convertible VW.

I am not concerned about whether she “makes it” as a musician. I am just thrilled that her brain will have a good, safe place to develop these next four years (or five). She will likely apply for the BMus after her second year; however, even if she doesn’t, she will be getting a great UC education. Go Anteaters! I wish the rest of you good luck with your kid’s choices! Can’t wait to hear where they land.

Well I get on a plane for a wedding in Virginia and I missed all the fun. Congrats @SpartanDrew. Your D is deservingly feeling the love! Enjoy the moment. You have a very talented D. @BearHouse , congratulations on a very successful process. I know you’re feeling like a lot of weight has been removed from your shoulders. Now go on and celebrate!!

Well, all these news are a good excuse to leave the hotel room, go to the bar and order a scotch. Cheers to all!

@SpartanDrew Congratulations. That is really wonderful news for you and your daughter.

Off to Miami today for Frost’s accepted students day tomorrow. Plus the prof is coming in to give her a lesson, which I think is very nice considering it’s a Sunday.
Trying to organize a trip to Vanderbilt for the week after this. The only accepted students day we could do is full, plus the prof wasn’t available so trying to set up a day to shadow and have a lesson. Would like the decision to be made, but admit I’m quite looking forward to a couple of short trips away with D without the stress of an audition
Congrats to those of you have successfully made it through!!

I’m jealous @NYsaxmom!! I could use some Miami warmth and sunshine right now since it snowed AGAIN last night and is 30 degrees here. :-((

Congrats @SpartanDrew for the love for your D. We got final scholarship letter in the mail yesterday. I thought D wold be over the moon but she is now brooding. I had been communicating with another parent who’s son was offered full tuition scholarship last year, so when D’s scholarship wasn’t full tuition she wasn’t exactly happy. Scholarship is very generous, this has been front runner from the beginning and now it’s in the financial range we needed it to be in. I think there’s something else going on, but D is not talking.

Oh man @oboemom65 I can so relate. I honestly don’t know where D is in all of this at all. I think the scholarship offers either inflate or deflate their sense of the college depending on the amount. I agree. It makes it complicated for sure

Decision time is such a powerful and personal one. You wonder what-sized fish you really want and ought to be, and in what-sized pool you’d most thrive (What motivates you, and with which peers will you learn and grow the most?). You wonder what talent will actually show up to each program come fall (What growth will they have made by then? What uniquenesses will they bring/reveal? What will be your individual contribution, and how will that fit in with the range of talent there?). You wonder what your own scholarships or lack thereof might mean, and you question why some programs are recruiting hard and why some aren’t reaching out at all (Who has already declined? Who has already accepted? What range of talent was on the offer list to begin with? What is the school’s level of confidence in the forming class?). You wonder, “what does it all MEAN?!”

And soon, you realize that there is no single, reliable, true answer to that. There’s only what you choose to read into each situation, and that in itself is likely to tell you a lot about yourself and what you need and want in a program. Believe yourself.

I’d also venture to say that this is the time to give weight to the intangibles and unexplainable. Frankly, you don’t necessarily need to be able to articulate a “why” once you decide. Allow yourself to trust your gut; if you’re dragging your heels declining or committing somewhere, pay attention. The clarity is already within you if you’re slowing down and listening closely enough.