The Tours, The Journey and the Decisions moving forward

@SpartanDrew I just hope she likes it when she shadows on Thursday. If not, it’s back to square one!!

Deposit has been paid, D will be a Music Buff next year #BoulderBound

Congratulations, @oboemom65!

Congats to all who appealed FA successfully. We did this four years ago and every subsequent year and also got good results, though not quite what would have made our day.But appealing was and still is the right thing to do. Here’s to marvelous music making, everyone!

Congrats, @oboemom65 ! Would love to hear about CU – my son is thinking of applying!

@akapiratequeen overall Boulder was the number one choice from the start. We visited last summer, did the campus tour and she had a lesson with the oboe professor. Of course for an instrumentalist, where there is only one faculty for their instrument, the professor is the key. But she also fell in love with the campus and the mountains! The audition at Boulder was the best overall experience we had, there was a meeting at the beginning of the day for both parents and students, they had a current cello student perform for us, it was lovely. Then they took the students to meet the faculty in their area while the parents had a Q&A with the Dean & admissions. Just an overall outstanding visit to campus.

This is great to know. Boulder is far for us so he may apply without touring first. He’d go out for auditions. They have both jazz and music ed, his two areas of interest, which makes them even more attractive. And Boulder would be a wonderful adventure!

Someone recommended Boulder to us recently too! Thank you for the info on that! I also want to look at UDenver.

Hi everyone! D is getting closer to a decision. Of her 5 acceptances, she has turned down 4. She still has one waitlist school that she will want to consider if it comes through. So we are getting close! Yay!

@akapiratequeen and @MusakParent yes, UDenver is awesome too. D auditioned there and they were VERY generous. And the campus is beautiful with a great view of the mountains and the facilities are great too

That’s wonderful @BassTheatreMom. I’m hoping to be there with you by the end of the week.
I have to have D start telling some schools “no” as the phone calls from the profs have started now, plus one from the music school dean. Awkward!!!

@NYsaxmom Last year we had professors and a dean calling on April 28. But don’t worry about it. When they found out S was still really considering them (there were 2 schools at the end) they were so nice and said take your time. They just wanted him to release them if he already knew.

S didn’t like releasing any of them - he wanted ALL the options and I had to force him to let the obvious no’s go. But D just releases them without even telling me - “Oh yeah, mom I released so-and-so three days ago. Forgot to tell you.” VERY different experience the second time around, LOL!

No phone calls here from the five programs still officially in play, though I would not put it past S18 to ignore a call to his cell and not even mention it to us. He can’t use his cell at school anyway. He has received a few emails from voice professors, voice program coordinators, music schools deans and voice chairs over the last week. He just sends a polite email back saying he is still deciding, which he is.

@vistajay that’s funny. I was just wondering the same thing about if D had any calls she’s ignored and not told me about.

So an interesting and unexpected thing happened yesterday. I remember someone asking on this thread if offers could be rescinded before May 1st, and apparently they can.

D had a scholarship offer from a state school which has become her second choice. The offer came via snail mail letter. The offer states this:
“Complete, sign, and return one copy of this document by March 23, 2018. An extension of this date may be made by permission of the Department Head. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions. I look forward to your participation in our program.

__I accept this scholarship offer. In accepting this offer from “State School”, I understand that there is a mutual commitment on the part of myself and “State School”. Therefore, I agree that after May 1, 2018 I will not consider any other offer from an institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music for 2018-2019 except with the express written consent of the music executive of “State School”.

My daughter emailed the department head to let him know she would need a few additional weeks to make a decision between this school and one other. He wrote back and said “Thank You”. Apparently behind the scenes and unbeknownst to us, another deadline of April 13th had been set. D was not aware of this new deadline and had not sent in a response.

Yesterday, she got an email from the admission coordinator that said because they did not receive a response from her by the extended date, they now consider the scholarship offer expired.

I’m a little confused because I thought we had until May 1st to decide, I thought that was the agreement between all schools of the National Association of Schools of Music. I assumed the date listed in the letter was a courtesy date and that by her asking for more time, she would be given until May 1st. Anyone else have something like this happen?

What??? Wow @apoole that is a new one on me. Is/Was this school still a contender for your D? D just sent an email to school C saying that she is declining. And then there were two…

@apoole my D had an offer from a highly competitive, private school MT program that did rolling admissions that was much like this. In our case, she was asked to reply to the scholarship offer within two weeks. YIKES! I believe that the deadline refers only to the scholarship money, and not the offer of admission (you still have until May 1 for that). We also asked for an extension, and the school was very gracious and communicative, and we ended up extending nearly a month. I’m sorry the communication wasn’t so great with your school. If this is still your D’s second choice, and in the running, I would certainly contact them right away to see if the money can still be had.

@apoole - I have heard of this too but in the realm of MT like @dramasopranomom. Obviously you need to read the scholarship offers closely (as you did). Scholarship offers can be separate from the acceptance deadline. Hopefully, you still have the “thank you” email. They were put on notice by your D and if they did not give the other date…you could go after that…except maybe you now have your answer about where to attend.

It’s interesting that they used the 05/01 date however for consideration. It seems like a very “interesting” way to work it…like they are trying to adhere to the rules but force an early acceptance that is truly not enforceable. You could have signed in March, considered other schools in April, called them 4/30 and said…changed my mind. Why would anyone want to play that game…but it seems like you should have…in some wrong way. Very odd.

Note that yearly kids (particularly in MT) DO consider other school after 05/01 when they come off the wait lists. Schools are trying to prevent a lot of moving around…still when push comes to shove…I’ve never heard of a school trying to “enforce” an acceptance.

I think you have every right to go back to them about the poor communication…the question is: was this a one time error/oversight or an indication of future behavior. I will say my experience with music administration (usually a C- at best) was always very different than the experience with the faculty. Which begs the questions is there a teacher you could go to with your concerns? Good luck on this!

@apoole – We had the same experience with a music scholarship – almost word for word. The scholarship offer had a 10 day turnaround time back in March. The primary music faculty sent S an email and subsequently delayed the scholarship deadline to May 1. I’m commenting here as well here, as I was surprised that for this school you had to respond to the scholarship before you had to commit to the school.

Thanks guys! D is going to write an email to the department head (he is the faculty that offered the scholarship). She will explain that she was not intentionally unresponsive. Hopefully, she can explain that she was not aware of the new deadline and offer some explanation of what is holding up her decision. We’ll see how it goes. And if nothing comes of it, then our decision may be made.