The Tours, The Journey and the Decisions moving forward

@vistajay congrats!!!

@bridgenail totally agree. They have to enjoy it. In fact that was the advice one of my sons gave (he graduated from frost last year). That his sister should pick somewhere she would enjoy so she is having fun and doesn’t drop out!! The brilliance of a 23 year old!

My D’s first choice just came back to us with an additional $7k in merit. They are primarily a need based school. Do any of you know how that affects the need based? They don’t stack so it will drop the need based somewhat, just not sure how much. We are visiting next week and plan on meeting with them but want to have an idea in my mind

It depends. When we were appealing merit last year to a certain school, they assured that if merit was increased during the appeal process, the additional award would not be deducted from the need grant. You have to check with the school on this.

Well TGI Friday the 13th haha! I went ahead and sent in an appeal to school B on Wednesday and had a less than encouraging email back yesterday. Basically saying it’s unlikely any more merit funds will come available but we will bring the request to the scholarship committee. Still crickets from school A as well as school C which ironically approached US!

If you are a tippy, top applicant, it is possible that a school has already granted all the money they have to give in order to convince you to come from the onset. There might be more wiggle room for candidates that they were less in love with. In that case, if the top candidate doesn’t attend, they can re-allocate award money. So hard to really figure this all out.

I think that is spot on accurate @uskoolfish

On money issues, it’s a lot about talent at the initial offer and then, imho, it’s a lot about business after that. So it’s important not to mix the two up. Schools have a business model that requires a certain amount of tuition from most students…no matter how amazing your kid is. I’m still hoping for freed up money for those waiting!

And the extra dollars didn’t happen for my D in UG. I guess we were fortunate to get a quick NO (with what I imagine was a chuckle and bubble thought of "silly you, you were lucky to get accepted…and we can’t wait to see you and your dollars on campus next fall)! She had a successful run at her UG school despite the awkward first kiss.

@bridgenail But it is soooo hard not to mix the two. HA. but agree. So many factors that come into play.

@vistajay, would the amount of the award stay the same in future years, if the FL legislature would change the Benaquisto for OOS?

@mommdc , I have not asked Miami how it will handle if FL legislature defunds or reduces OOS NMF Benacquisto while my kid is still there. I can tell you that the FSU admissions director personally told me that FSU will guarantee the Benacquisto money to its OOS recipients even if the legislature changes it while my son is there. That came unsolicited.

Well, D got good news this morning! School A bumped her award to match school B so they are now both on equal playing fields and finances do not have to be a factor in her decision. She is going to admitted students day next Sunday at school A and will attend classes over the 2 days after that. I think it should answer any questions she has. Right now school A and school B are dead even for her with maybe a slight lean towards school A but that’s truthfully without enough information to make that decision. She has been talking to current jazz voice major students at both schools which has been helpful as well. We have made a list of pros and cons for both colleges and the lists are about even.

OY!!! This is HARD!!!

@SpartanDrew congrats!!!
But yes, it is very hard!

@SpartanDrew that’s great news!!! Keep us posted!!

@SpartanDrew congratulations!

Great news!

SpartanDrew - congrats! Waiting with baited breath to see where your daughter ends up!

Me too @tripletmama. These schools are truly neck and neck. I sure hope she can get answers next week after her visit.

My daughter’s financial aid was updated at Vanderbilt and it looks like that will be where she goes. We are giving this Thursday and will meet with music admissions and financial aid, while she shadows a student, but they have made it very attractive, and that is her first choice

@NYsaxmom that’s great news!! Congratulations to yo and D!

Congrats @NYsaxmom!! Jealous! I’ll be happy when we have a decision around here but I think we are easily 9 days minimum away from that. BUT - after an entire year of this crazy journey 9 days is a blip!