The Tours, The Journey and the Decisions moving forward

@NYsaxmom Does today’s email change the decision for her?

My daughter has decided to go to Peabody and study flute. Gained quite an education going through the entire process and would definitely do things differently if we had a do over. Just glad to have this behind us and she can now focus on the last 4 weeks of school.

@willrogers no change in decision here. Two reasons…1. She already accepted Vanderbilt. 2. She still would no matter what the offer(and Vandy’s deal is sweet)

@flutesupporter and @nysaxmom - you must be so relieved to have a decision and your musicians headed to amazing schools! Congratulations! There was a rainbow and a bucket of gold at the end of the long journey. (and a leprechaun in the form of a prof who appealed without you knowing…very sweet!).

@rockinmomab Hello, My S has been accepted to Berklee and several other top University of California Music Schools and now we have less than 10 days to make this very important decision and I am stressing a little. I think he pretty much has his heart set on Berklee. He will be graduating from his CC next month with an AA Transfer Degree in Music Percussion specifically. He already works as a professional drummer here in the San Francisco Bay Area playing drum set in Musicals and different bands, he enjoys mostly popular music, rock pop jazz etc and he is darn good at it all. He does seem to have a niche with drumming for Musicals as it is harder than just playing in a rock band so I am thinking he would do well in Boston as they have a huge theatre scene and he would probably get gigs right away with his experience and perhaps not so many of his peers would be interested in the niche, Boston is also such a fun town, people are so nice there in general. During his audition in Boston we had a fabulous time. My dilemma with Berklee is the price and of course so far from home is tough but not that big of a deal. He would also be a little fish in a big pond which can be both good and challenging at the same time. At his CC he is a big fish in a small pond and gets lots of attention and is thriving. The last two years in CC he has learned much independence so I think he would thrive at Berklee or the University setting as well. He says going to the University feels a lot like what he is doing now and Berklee feels more like the actual real working professional place to be. So I am trying to weigh out the large cost of Berklee vs the more affordable costs of going to a top University in our state which affords him large scholarship money so cost of attendance would be minor compared to Berklee. The money we would save by going to a California University is astronomical lol, what we could do with that money! Could this perhaps outweigh the opportunities he would be afforded at Berklee? These University of California schools he has been accepted to are in the top 10 public universities in the nation so I do not think he would go wrong either way. It is so hard to say what is best and so hard to decide. Of course I want my S to be happy and make his own decision, it is just such a difficult one. I would love to hear more from Berklee parents about their experiences. Thank you so much I would love to be added to the Berklee parents group!

I would also love to hear from Parents of music majors attending or interested in UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music and UC Irvine Claire Trevor School of the Arts, thank you in advance!

rocknrollmama - quick question. Would your son go in as a junior in your options? (this has a bearing on the answer I think).

@rocknrollmama That is such a personal decision and one that many have asked this year. It is also a question that only you and your family can decide. I have decided I will not take part in swaying anyone decision. If you have particular questions, I am happy to answer but nothing beyond that…Good luck with your son’s decision!

@tripletmama GOOD POINT!!! I will tell you that Berklee will not accept music credits unless your son attended “approved” schools. He can, however, test out of certain theory classes and obtain credit.

@tripletmama thank you Yes I believe he will be a junior as he is a transfer student with an AA transfer degree, at Berklee he would hopefully be placed as a 5 (meaning a 5th semester student) and he can test out of many classes so hopefully he would graduate in 2 years if he takes on the full 16 units each semester which he is used to doing as he completed his AA in 8 semesters. Another advantage to Berklee is he could graduate with his performance degree and a dual teaching credential and that is attractive and more reason I can justify the price difference. @rockinmomab thank you I appreciate that and def it is our personal decision. I have read some comments that Berklee is disorganized and the dorms not well managed, I did not notice that on our tour but we were there for one afternoon. even lacking a medical clinic? do you have any experiences or comments about the quality of life as well as the education?

@rocknrollmama My son had a fine experience in his 160 dorm. There were no issues for him. That being said many students complain of mice but you will find that in any big city environment and Boston does have an issue. As far as there not being a clinic, not an issue. Boston is filled with great healthcare and a huge amount of students use Harvard Vanguard near Fenway. They have an urgent care and just about any specialty you can imagine. As with any school, there are always some bad professors. My son has had a mix but majority have been good. Berklee administration at the top is excellent but there is definitely some disorganization in some areas. The key is knowing who to ask. Most everyone I’ve come in contact with is always willing to help you through any issues you may have. There is certainly no dream school and Berklee certainly has issues but I doubt you will find any institution that is perfect. For a musician, I can’t imagine a better environment to be surrounded by others who have the same passion. Not an experience I think you will find any place else.

@rocknrollmama Did you watch the Welcome Event today at Berklee?

@rocknrollmama While I can’t help with specific info, I will say my daughter fell in love with Claire Trevor. She will be attending this year for voice. This was her top choice so it was an easy decision once admitted. We are in California so cost is not an issue. However, in your posts it sounds like your son really wants Berklee. If affordable for your family, it might be worth pursuing Berklee. Although I do think Irvine and UCLA are the best UC music programs! So great choices all around.

On another note, we sent our eldest to Massachusetts for college. She is in her second year (not music). Loves the school but the weather had led to a strong desire to return to California after graduation. We joke that the best way of ensuring she’d want to return to live near us was to send her someplace cold and snowy!

I am a Bostonian and think Berklee is a great school. But I would avoid the cost especially if it means debt- unless it is an easy thing for you to pay (and it sounds like it isn’t). Is it possible he will want to do grad school?

I was amused at the mention of mice. Do they not have mice in California?

@NYsaxmom I was off for a few days and just saw this. SO EXCITED FOR YOU AND D!! This is the greatest news. Love Vandy – I have done work for them and a close friend was a dean until recently. Great choice.

@rockinmomab thanks for the link, we will watch that!

@BearHouse my son is really impressed with the Drum teacher at UCI, other than that he said he felt like it was the same as his CC he attends now and Berklee felt different, I guess I concur. Though it is East Coast to West Coast so that in itself is so different but I get what he is saying. At Berklee it is total music immersion. For me him going to Berklee means taking on a parent plus loan for me and I can certainly do it but it is a big commitment. ~ if he goes to UC here in California he has big scholarship and grant money so I would not even have to take out a loan and could afford investing grad school in a couple years, his drum gear and more in a larger way, it is totally affordable and I feel it would be an excellent music education, so my view is he cannot go wrong either way. It is hard to think of leaving that much money on the table. If an out of state student goes to UCI or UCLA that would cost them basically the same as Berklee so the fact we live in California and we have some of the best universities in the nation is advantageous!

I think Berklee has a big name and well known top reputation that is hard to shake that dream for my son, it has been his dream to go to Berklee for as long as he can remember, phew I just do not know what to do and I want him to make the decision. On one hand I want to teach him the lesson of living within our means without big debt, the other hand I want him to go for his dreams with vigor and passion so there we are, it’s tough! I don’t want either one of us to regret him not going to his dream school since he has the chance to do so. I wish I had saved more money for this in my life but that is not my reality so no sense with the shoulda coulda woulda lol!

My son also does not really know that cold, he likes San Francisco cold which rarely gets below 50 degrees ever, totally not the same as Boston, though Boston is super fun, we loved it there though it was not snowing, just chilly like the 40’s!

@compmom I have not heard of mice in any dorms here in California haha

@rocknrollmama It is “Berkeley” not Berklee (it is a common misspelling)

@Crystal9ucla everyone on this thread is talking about Berklee College of music in Boston. Not UC Berkeley
