The Tours, The Journey and the Decisions moving forward

Is there any way to get your son excited about UCLA or UCI? Like arranging another visit, going to a concert, jamming with students, meeting with teacher, touring dorms? I imagine the schools of music are also total immersion, just not freestanding (though it can seem that way).

You could show him some videos of snow- it is almost May and we JUST had our first day above the 40’s. Ugh.

How about showing him a video of mice running around? :slight_smile:

Better yet, Boston cockroaches.

Seriously, it would seem that a UC would be the smarter choice but I can understand how very much you want him to have his dream school, and I guess it will be 2 years if credits transfer.

Could he wait to do grad school at Berklee with more funding?


@akapiratequeen thank you so much. I am equal parts relieved and excited
And you know in April angst a ton can happen in a few days :))

@rocknrollmama I might be inclined to show him a spreadsheet of costs and then ask if he is interested in graduate school. Then look at potential total costs for undergraduate and graduate. Don’t forget travel back and forth as well as a new wardrobe. It is a whole different level of cold! This was something we did not take into consideration for our daughter in Massachusetts.

Tough decision but great choices!

@rocknrollmama I would try as hard as you can to get a good estimate of how much many semesters your son would really need to graduate from Berklee, especially since you are talking about taking Parent Plus loans. Can you get someone in their transfer office to assess his transcript and estimate what he will get credit for and what he won’t? You mentioned the possibility of your son doing performance as well as a teacher certification…every school and state is different, but at my son’s conservatory (he is a double major in performance and music ed) doing both is very intense, and requires students in most majors to take nearly the maximum allowed credit hours most semesters starting 2nd semester freshman year and the program still takes 4.5 years. This semester my son is taking 22 credits, next semester I think he is signed up for the max 23. To teach in public schools, Music Ed majors usually must learn to play and teach all instruments, so there are a lot of methods classes in the schedule. If nothing else, see if Berklee’s web site and/or music ed dept can provide sample advising worksheets for performance students and for those seeking teacher certification so you can see what courses are typical for each semester and you can see what might be realistic in 2 years, especially if he is hoping to get teacher certification.

Congrats to everyone who has finalized decisions, and to all the students and families on the great choices you have!

Daughter received some nice Bob Cole Conservatory swag today! She really liked the pennant and pencil. She said she was keeping it even though Irvine is a lock. I told her “there’s always gradate school.” Planting the seed…

Rocknrollmama…you are describing my worst nightmare. Our daughter (jr) is already in love with the idea of Berklee but she knows that we can’t/won’t be taking out loans for her to go there. The music world (IMO) does not warrant the crap shoot of investing that amount of $$. Of course we all want the world for our kids…and I’m sure they would make great connections at Berklee…I guess it all boils down to how much debt you are willing to take on.

I hope that your son warms up to UCI or UCLA (did he look at USC?). There are many ways to have a career in music.

Our daughter got a full scholarship to Berklee this summer and reading your posts have given me great fear :frowning:

Well, we have some exciting news around here!! First off, the news that I think has helped move the needle on scholarship appeals, D has won 2 Downbeat Magazine student music awards for 2018! Very exciting and all of the jazz schools are all about Downbeat SMAs. She will be in the June magazine with an interview as well.

Second, she has made her decision for college which is a relief! We are still working out the financial details but hope to have it firmed up by Friday and then will let everyone know. What a ride this has been and I can tell you I would never have guessed it would go to the end of April. CRAZY!!


@SpartanDrew that is fabulous news!!! So happy for you and your D

Well done @SpartanDrew ‘s D!!

Congratulations @SpartanDrew! Can’t wait to hear what she decided!

Awesome news, @SpartanDrew ! How excited y’all must be!

@SpartanDrew, congratulations to you and your daughter! I saw the write-up in the Downbeat digital edition, which came by email today. Very nice! Hope your daughter is having fun in NYC.

Congrats SpartanDrew and talented D! Can’t wait to hear where she chose!

We have notified all schools and are finally making the deposit tonight, taking a pic with the College of Music t-shirt, and flying the flag out front of the house! And the choice is…Florida State University College of Music, BM vocal performance!

It came down to a choice between Miami-Frost and FSU, though he also had music admits and great scholarships to USCal, Furman and Loyola-NO. Frost had been his personal favorite since the beginning, especially after a great scholarship weekend which resulted in his getting the full tuition Singer Scholarship. Additional scholarships even brought the Frost cost of attendance very close to FSU. But in the end, what swung the decision was S18’s receiving the Presidential Scholarship to FSU, which is only given to 25 incoming freshmen students across the whole university and provides wonderful leadership and research opportunities in addition to a $12,000 summer abroad stipend. Also, he gained entry to the voice teacher studio of his choice and FSU has a number of other voice teachers who would fit him well should he ever have to switch studios for an unforeseen reason.

As parents, we are excited because he will be only a 5.5 hour drive away so we can attend his performances more often. We are also excited that his top choice also ends up being the top financial option; as he ends up with a full ride through the Benacquisto National Merit scholarship that will pay tuition, room and board, fees, books and even give him money for transportation and a laptop and he has the summer abroad stipend. Sorry for the bragging but we are still agog that his education will be free! Plus I do think it helps others to see that there are some amazing scholarship opportunities available when a school wants you as much for your academic profile as your music talent.

Our only concern about FSU was the reputation of having a lot of voice grad students who compete for performance opportunities, but those concerns melted away after speaking to the voice teacher and current students. S18 has potential but has only been studying classical voice for less than 2 years. He does not need, or probably should not, be competing for lead opera roles right away. In the meantime, his teacher supports him finding performance opportunities in, for example, the musical theatre and opera student run clubs, while he puts in the hard work to improve in studio and practice, and while he learns from those talented grad students in his studio. It might not be the choice for others, but we think S18 will thrive and improve in a competitive environment.

We have learned so much on this thread and in the music forum in general. Thanks and huge shout out to @SpartanDrew for starting this fun thread! I am constantly amazed by the incredible talent of the students who post, and whose parents post, on this forum. As a non-musical parent with his first child applying to music school, your advice and sharing of information has been invaluable. Thanks to you all!

Huge congratulations @vistajay !!! That study abroad/summer money is AMAZING! and so nice and close to home… so, so thrilled for you and your S!

@vistajay congratulations to you and S18! What an amazing outcome!!! So exciting to even think of all those opportunities…free!!

That sounds amazing vistajay! Wow! Congrats to all.

Congratulations, @vistajay!