The Tours, The Journey and the Decisions moving forward

@SpartanDrew two words: Amazon prime. It’s free or very cheap for students and they deliver to the dorm within 1-2 days. My daughter and her friends relied on it at NYU…no one has a car and it’s so much easier than lugging heavy stuff through the streets (and crowds) of New York.

Thanks @akapiratequeen! Right now I can’t imagine her needing anything we haven’t already purchased except for an area rug and we can’t do that until we get there since we have zero info on room size. We decided to book a hotel a couple blocks from the dorm so we can get there early in the morning right at the beginning of check in. Hopefully we can avoid horrible lines for elevators that way. LOL Wishful thinking I’m sure…

@SpartanDrew sounds great! Check first…some schools don’t allow rugs, fire hazard.

they can have area rugs there. There will be a Bed Bath Beyond pop up shop there on move in day but I doubt they will have any of the big stuff like rugs or even the little 3 drawer plastic shelf thingies. There is a BBB about a mile from the dorm so if we need something we can always go get it but would rather avoid driving/parking in the city if possible.

S18 has a big solo recital next week. Wife has been worried he has not been practicing enough, as he was busy directing and acting in a musical. They have been fighting for weeks about it, to the extent I wondered if the recital would actually occur. But they came home from his weekly voice lesson yesterday all smiles, with reports that he has never sounded better. It will be a nice treat for us to hear him sing so much just days before he leaves for college.

I suggest, if you need to go to BBB and can’t carry it back by hand, use Uber or Lyft.

@SpartanDrew just FYI many schools (NYU for instance) don’t allow area rugs in the dorms…they are considered fire hazards. Happy move-in!

@SpartanDrew Your D will be in a great location! Mine has been at Atlantic Theater all summer and lives on 13th Street. She is bummed to return home. Great area, wonderful coffee shops and restaurants. She particularly liked Sweergreens. The BBB on 6th is very well-stocked and close enough to walk to New School; Target is too far.

Thanks @momzhood. I was corresponding with the housing coordinator at Stuyvesant Hall where D will be living and she said there is a brand new small scale Target right nearby in their neighborhood! That will be so convenient for D. Can’t believe we are only 9 days away…crazy times.

Well we had a fun week last week! D had her wisdom teeth removed 2 weeks ago today and man was that ever awful! She was in pain for 10 solid days! Yikes! She feels much better now thankfully. Then last week I surprised her, TOTAL SURPRISE, with a visit from her roommate from Berklee for the past 2 summers! She is from Texas and D had absolutely no clue she was coming! It was great! I took video of her shock and surprise at the airport picking her up. hilarious! What a nice visit before they both head off to different colleges. :slight_smile:

Now we are in the final stretch getting ready to start loading the car to drive to the big apple on Saturday. It’s funny reading the new thread of people getting started on the common app and working on essays and prescreens. I am SO HAPPY to have that in my rear view mirror! Someone, maybe bridgenail, had mentioned having PTSD reading through this thread this time last year! HAHA! I feel exactly the same!

I know of a couple friends currently either en route to their kids school for move in or moving in today (at Miami/Frost). Best of luck @diglass moving your D in at Loyola tomorrow! Who else is moving kids in this week??? @NYsaxmom @BearHouse @JerseyParents @vistajay who else am I missing???

Happy Moving everyone!

Good luck, @SpartanDrew - we are visiting TX after S has been here for one year. He is moving into his next dorm this Thursday, then we will wave goodbye again.

Happy moving @GoForth! I’m not sure how we will be doing next year. I know D will NOT be living in the dorm again in NYC, WAAAY too expensive. I can’t decide if it makes more sense to get an apartment starting in August for a year or if she should get one starting in May and sublet it…I guess we will have a better idea as the year progresses.

@SpartanDrew , we head to Tally this Saturday and move in Sunday. Expecting full emotional breakdowns by some in our household this week. Still busy getting last minute items. And S18 is completing last prep for a big solo recital on Wednesday. Not sure what we were thinking with that, but at least his voice will be in shape for the beginning of school.

Glad your D is recovering well. S18 had his out last fall, just a few weeks before an audition. Fun times.

Oh good grief! I can’t imagine doing that before auditions. D JUST started singing again yesterday for the first time since having them out 2 weeks ago. You guys are driving and moving in the exact same days as we are. I don’t think we will have any emotional breakdowns but who knows… We are meeting friends in NY for dinner Saturday night, moving her in bright and early Sunday morning and hoping to have a quiet dinner with her alone Sunday night before we depart early Monday morning to come home. Whirlwind weekend!

Such an exciting time, class of 2022!!! Best wishes to all of you on the move-ins and first weeks of college (both for you parents AND your amazing children)!

He can’t gain access to the dorm until noon on Sunday. Our plan is to arrive Saturday afternoon, gear up a bit more at the campus bookstore, and have a nice dinner Saturday night. Then Sunday morning we will have brunch, move him in, and head back home!

Good luck to you all! It will be a great 4 (or 5) years for your kids.

I wish I had something really “cool” and pithy to say. But I guess I’ll just say this: If your kids aren’t a tad concerned about their talent their first year or two of music school, they are either a very rare breed or lying (and it’s probably the second one). It’s exhilarating, but scary, to be around so much talent. So if you pick up on concerns…kind of ignore them! Hang up the phone, have a drink or go for a walk and just be happy they are far away and not moping in your family room. Still give them the old “I believe in you” because at this point that’s all they need. They’ll figure it out in the end.

As I embark on my own college search journey with my daughter this year, I just want to give a huge thank you to everyone who posted on this thread with their insight, experience, the positives and negatives of audition season, the relief and triumph of making the final choice, and even your recent challenges of prepping for move-in day! I don’t have any great advice for you moving forward since I have never personally experienced it, but I saw this on Facebook and encourage you to share it with your children. Good luck to you and your kids for move-in day and beyond! You did it! Bravo!

~Attention Freshmen who are moving in this weekend: A little request … When your mom wants to unpack all of your clothes and make your bed - Let her. When your dad wants to introduce himself to all the people on your floor - Let him. When they want to take pictures of every move you make this weekend - Let them. If they embarrass you or act crazy - Let them. As you start the new chapter of your life, they are also starting the new chapter of theirs. And believe it or not, this is probably more difficult for them than it is for you. So let them treat you like their “baby” one last time.~

S18 performed his big, solo recital last night before friends and family. He had a nice crowd and the venue (chapel of the Episcopal school he attended for elementary/middle) worked very well. It was so much fun for us to hear him sing 9 songs, without being part of a larger production. He leaves for FSU in 2 days! Ack!

That’s awesome @vistajay! Was that like a senior recital sendoff? It sounds wonderful and I’m sure bittersweet for everyone to hear him before he heads to college.

I know I’d mentioned doing a unique grad party for D but we hosted the party then immediately took off for a long European vacation so I don’t think I ever commented about it. Honestly, it was amazing! We had about 100 people in a very cool venue that hosts jazz nights and a lot of other music. D performed with her regular combo and I hired our sound engineer guy to record the entire thing so she could use some of her tunes for YoungArts and Downbeat this year. It was by far her best performance to date. My entire family came in from around the world (literally) and it was the first time any of them had seen her perform live. I can’t wait to see how much she grows in NYC over the next 4 years! We will probably look back on her little grad party like she was in her infancy as an artist!

Our garage is full as we start to load up our SUV for the road trip. We aren’t sure where we will put everything! Haha! I’ll check in again as we get her settled into her dorm. Happy travels vistajay!