The Ultimate Supply List for Boarding School

<p>seee hippo?
you'll talk with us</p>

<p>well if you already got in what are you worried about? obviously you'll be talking dorms with us. :D</p>

<p>Laptop, Camera, Desk Lamp, Printer, Comfy Pillows and Comforter, Towels, Shower Caddy, sheets and other bed stuff, photos, cellphone, favorite books, lotion, slippers, bathrobe, clothes, desk equipment (stuff to hold pencils, etc), little stuff to make room feel like your own, poster, rug (maybe). Why am I even making this list? I don't even know if I'm accepted yet! But this is so exciting!</p>

<p>okay, WOAH. hello, guys---YOU WILL NOT HAVE ROOM FOR FURNITURE. all you people wanting to go to Ikea, etc...thats crazy! you absolutely 100% MUST MUST MUST wait until you get there to buy most things. believe me, i understand the impulse of wanting to buy a lot of stuff because you are sooo excited. when i moved in, i thought, wow i dont have a lot of stuff to go in these drawers...well my roommate moved out halfway through my first year and by the end of the year i was bursting out of two dressers, desks, and closets. the stuff just accumulates! DONT BRING A BUNCH OF CRAP! you dont need it. </p>

<p>one thing you definitely need that i didnt see mentioned is a shower basket, to keep your shampoo/body wash etc in. it should have holes in the bottom so the water can get out.</p>

<p>ikea-wise, i think people may have been talking about bedding and sheets, lamps etc. good point though inspiration.</p>

<p>Actually, my daughter's room is so large, I ended up buying her a sofa. Plus, she has a HUGE walk-in closet. Of course, not all of the rooms are as large, but she really lucked out!</p>

<p>Where is this JennyCraig?</p>

<p>what about day students?</p>

<p>hmm...this thread will probably be useful later on.</p>

<p>padfoot, your awake!
nice to see you this morning!</p>

<p>I still had something to type for my science project, Moony. It's about Atlantis.</p>

5 seconds</p>

<p>isn't the search for Atlantis a pseudoscience?</p>

<p>The projects we could choose from were all "Mysteries of the Earth". So the theory that I'm backing is that Atlantis doesn't exist and the story of Atlantis was created by Plato to teach something, but people are taking it literally and going out searching for a sunken city.</p>

<p>ahhh intresting
but Disney proved that atlantis existed YEARS ago...
They made a cartoon about it and everything
everyone knows disney does not lie

<p>Everyone knows that the only true Disney movies are the Sleeping Beauty and Beauty and the Beast. Duh.</p>

<p>you forgot Aladin, Honsty woman you yourself a human being. :P</p>

<p>I'm sorry!! Here's the revised list of true Disney movies:</p>

-Beauty and the Beast
-Sleeping Beauty (I love the name Aurora.)
-NOT Cinderella!!</p>


<p>Nope. (tenchar)</p>

<p>Hey, why not I ADORE that movie!!!!!
Mulan too...</p>