The Ultimate Supply List for Boarding School

<p>bump. ......</p>

<p>Caffeinated soap?</p>

<p>A cushion for your desk chair will make it more comfy!</p>

<p>Haha, caffeinated soap.</p>

<p>Walkman? How adorably retro.</p>

<p>Do you know what the bathrooms and showers are like at Exeter, Choate, or SPS?</p>

<p>Or Andover?</p>

<p>FOOD - every boarding school student knows what's like to wait for a decent mail - not just junk food - try long, lasting food like microwavable meals, frozen pasta, ramen, crackers, canned fruit, etc.</p>

<p>silverware (plastic utensils if preferred) and tupperware. </p>

<p>posters - you'll want your side of the room to define YOU (i was not aware of this, and my current measly collection is an accumulation over the school year)</p>

<p>a flashlight (so you can do hw after lights-out, and if you don't have a walk-in closet to go sit in, either)</p>

<p>ODOR-REFRESHENERS - anyone who lives in an old dorm knows how it, if unoccupied for a bit, will smell strangely stale or rank....</p>

<p>rubber wellies - hey, it is new england (i'm assuming...) and when it rains, you'll be walking from building to building for half the day. it isn't like normal school when once you get to school, you'll stay nice and dry...</p>

<p>crazy apparel for traditions</p>

<p>SOOOOOOO I shall be heading back to school on Wednesday. It's Labor Day Weekend, and I'm doing last minute-shopping. I remembered this old thread, thankfully, and decided to revive it for any newcomers' sakes (and mine, this may be my second year but I wouldn't consider myself a connoisseur).</p>

<p>But a note of advice, don't freak out if you forgot some minor toiletry or say, batteries, most schools have a "school store", that can hold anything from the school photo to exfoliator to sweatpants. </p>

<p>Dont try and bring TOO much either - your room isn't exactly a hotel presidential suite, and you might find your room unpleasantly cluttered.</p>

<p>has anyone here ever been a student at miss porters or a current student because i am looking at boarding schools and wanted some feedback from students and others please respond!! =]</p>

<p>and also what are the dorms like and food and stuff like that... as much info as possible</p>

<p>You should pm IluvA and shelley14. Or just start a new thread on Miss Porters. Many people coming to this board will not read your post here, but they might read a thread topic. Or use the search function to read what others have said.</p>

<p>I wanted to bump this... just to add some extra logs to our constantly burning fires of anticipation and excitement.</p>

<p>Just watch, in 6 days everyone will be on this board talking about what they're getting for their dorm room... except me :(</p>

<p>oh, don't be down.
Maybe you'll get in!</p>

<p>come on, dont be such a frowny Fran! </p>

<p>Just watch, in 6 days everyone will be on this board talking about what they're getting for their dorm room... INCLUDING YOU!!!</p>

<p>Chin up darling! :):):) :D:D:D</p>

<p>haha i like that attitude Dazzlezzz.</p>

<p>Just think.... in six days we'll be talking about this. Hopefully I will be!</p>

<p>I like this board! Cheer up hip!!! Don't get sad, get glad! lol</p>

<p>Oh, I not that down, it's just I'm at the point where I'm really freaking out but I already got into my safeties which is good:)</p>