The Ultimate Supply List for Boarding School

<p>Let me simplify things for the boys:</p>

<p>At least two weeks worth of both class and casual clothes (because you’ll forget to put your laundry out at least once).</p>

<p>Twice as many socks as you think you need.</p>

<p>Cases of EasyMac and Gatorade</p>

<p>A plug in air freshener (the ‘Linen’ or ‘Fresh Air’ types aren’t too fem)</p>

<p>A case of AAA batteries for your calculator.</p>

<p>A USB drive with keychain attachment</p>

<p>An extra ethernet cable for when the tab that holds it into your laptop breaks off.</p>

<p>A roll of paper towels and all purpose cleaner to wipe up the sticky mess left by spilled and evaporated soda. Otherwise, you’ll be wetting a dirty sock in the bathroom sink…OY!</p>

<p>OTC Cold medicine (non drowsy)</p>

<p>A multi-tool and nail clippers (You can use the multi-tool when you can’t find the nail clippers.)</p>

<p>That should do it.</p>

<p>That was a great post neato and because I know you have been through the whole application process, (as a parent) did you find it hard bringing all the items to Exeter? (Correct me if I am mistaken) I know that it will be simple with clothing in that my family owns to cars but what about object that can break i.e lamps, etc… ?</p>

<p>The rule was that it HAD to fit in the car (a two door hatchback). We left most of his clothes on the hangers and that helped a lot, just draped them over the boxes. Pillows crammed in between things, etc.</p>

<p>If you need two cars, you’re bringing too much stuff.</p>

<p>No, we won’t bring to much, but four people in one car crammed with luggage, etc… is quite uncomfortable, isn’t it? Is that a bad idea?</p>

<p>hey, does anyone know what furniture comes in an Exeter dorm room?</p>


<p>@pittsburgher: Might depend on the dorm, but I believe a desk, chair, bed, and possibly a dresser.</p>

<p>My access exeter room had
a built in closet
chest of drawers
small bookcase
trash can

<p>there was barely room to walk in my single with that amount of stuff … and the paint was peeling off :confused: i hope i get a better room!</p>

<p>I am thinking to bring a Swiss army knife to school. Would the school consider it and its owner a public safety hazard?</p>

<p>i highly doubt that.</p>

<p>Bump … very solid list … in fact it is so good, you can also use it to prepare for 12/21/2012.</p>



<p>Bumping this list for the new students this year!</p>

<p>Wow! I don’t think it is possible to forget anything with this list. But I am sure I will anyway! :)</p>

<p>bump this is a really good list for next year</p>

<p>BUMP…This is an amazing list!</p>

<p>Random question that dates back to post number 11: does anyone use iChat? lol</p>

<p>Crap… I meant pg 11. ^</p>

<p>Bump. This is a solid list and includes some posts about cold weather clothing for those of you from more temperate zones.</p>

<p>BUMP…doing boarding school shopping around this time and this is really helpful!</p>

<p>I know this may sound strange, but is it common to bring a sofa. I never thought of it until I saw them on a couple of tours, and now it sounds like a good idea.</p>

<p>Well you have to think about how those might’ve been the prefect’s rooms, which are generally a lot bigger than the average dorm. For furniture like that, i suggest you wait till you get to school to purchase</p>