The Ultimate Supply List for Boarding School

Do you all suggest booking flights now or Is it too early?

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IMHO it is not too early for booking flights for drop off and Fall weekend.
YOU MUST BOOK RENTAL CARS EARLY - if you can even get one!

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Where do you get your news? I can’t find anything.

I don’t really remember, it was sent to me by a bunch of friends.

Here s the news clipping from the Greenfield news

Interesting! We’ve been wondering where his kids will go to school
.there were many rumors the youngest ones would be at kiddo2s lds, but they never showed up. I’ve since heard they’re home schooled, but BS would make sense as they get old enough.

Hey all! Just wanted to give a reminder to check if/when your state is having a tax free period this month for certain items. Perfect time to buy clothing and supplies, didn’t want anyone to miss out🙂


I know for sure that most schools supply the furniture. If you feel so inclined however, I’m sure you could bring a small chair or something like that.

Start your countdown! For most of you
Your boarding school experience is only a week (give a few days or so) way! :nerd_face:

Don’t sweat the supply list

  • Most schools have spacious and efficient shipping & receiving centers now.

  • Many students order supplies online and have the items shipped to school
.one kid we know ordered a mattress.

  • You can also order online from the Big Box stores (Walmart, Target, KMart) and select to pick up your order at the store close to your boarding school.

  • Don’t overbuy clothes
.wait to see what is the “vibe”. If you forgot something or need an outfit, students seem to readily share.

  • Know (in advance) the dress code.

  • Buying your own desk chair is not unusual. Many students find the provided desk chairs to be uncomfortable. So, if you have back issues or just need more comfort - having your own chair won’t seem unusual.

  • Desk lamp - this depends on your school. Kiddo’s school had one light bulb in the ceiling for the entire room. Most kids we know got a desk lamp.

  • Power strip - surge protector

  • Storage bins - they come in handy for tansport and then storage. Most dorms have a storage area in the basement for luggage and bins.

  • Garbage bags for move-in

the garbage bins seem to fill up by mid-morning of drop off.

  • Scissors, screw driver, tape, command strips, hooks and small step ladder. Why? This comes in handy for storage places and also for setting up your bed if it’s often or bunked.

  • A fan


Would anyone recommend bringing bed risers? My mom said they helped create storage space when she was in college, but I don’t want to be the only one who brings them.

I am bringing them!

That might be a school by school thing. Many beds come with risers already.

Totally depends on the school. Kiddo1’s bed was already lifted.

This is our first rodeo with drop off at a boarding school. Mentally, I need to have a game plan. Does it go something like this?

  1. Sign in and register (maybe meet advisor ?)
  2. Go to darling son’s room with supplies, see what is already in there, meet roommate.
  3. Go back to car and get bin(s)
  4. Go back to room and spray mattress for bedbugs, flip mattress, spray again! Make bed.
  5. Set up closet with school clothes, put athletic clothes and casual in drawers and school supplies in desk.
  6. Meet advisor or anyone willing to talk to us
  7. Say goodbye to our dear son and
  8. Head straight to closest bar.

This is going to be harder than much of what we have experienced as parents, (except for that scary meningitis when he was 18 days old

Your strategies would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! CC

Never saw anyone spray for bedbugs, but #8 is a must.


Spraying for bedbugs never occurred to me :flushed:


At kiddo1’s school the mattresses are encased in a waterproof cover type of thing. No bed bug spray needed. But comfy mattress topper a must. Kiddo1 has already requested we get her one over parents weekend. She refused one last year, but apparently this year’s mattress is much stiffer.


Sounds about right, except no signing in with a registrar. That is all done online in advance

Roughly this is how it goes at Cate:

  1. Welcome committee greets, assigned a senior to assist
  2. Covid test
  3. Senior leads family to dorm room, helps unload
  4. Overwhelming blur of people stop by the room to introduce themselves while trying to make bed and unpack. Mattress topper is a must.
  5. An assembly
  6. A lunch (child has disappeared with new friends by this time)
  7. Text to child to announce that parent would actually want to see kid one more time before parent leaves
  8. Drive away questioning how you could be leaving your kid behind and still be a good parent
  9. Find a bar, and then find solace at the bottom of glass. You are an excellent parent, turns out!

I have a senior this year, and in some ways it is easier now. I didn’t have to do any room set up whatsoever. I didn’t get to hang around, no special activities. I know he is happy. Some ways harder. I know how quiet and boring life at home is, and I know how fast time flies.

Eta: I am guessing about the lunch and assembly. They happened in the before times


Thanks all! Move in day in 20 hours. My son thinks we packed too much. I think we have just enough. Bottom bin is bedding. ( oops, forgot pillows!) hang clothes are not in photo.

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My daughter had about twice that. We were floor to ceiling in our SUV, with half the middle seat folded down :joy:. And still, when we got there, she didn’t have nearly as much as some others.

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