The Ultimate Supply List for Boarding School

I would be one of those people……

And this is not including my casual clothes and dress shirts! We have room, but it’s not going to be easy to fit all this.


Inside the SUV


we managed to fit everything in the car with a little bit of room to spare :joy: on our way now.


Literally BOUGHT a larger car the day before move in to fit stalecrumb’s stuff. (Granted, the old car was falling apart - barely made it home from BS last spring - as in, we pulled into our driveway and a cloud came out of the hood as we parked.)

Pro-tip for potential boarding parents: encourage your kids to play smaller instruments. There are many viable alternatives to the cello, string bass, tuba, or sousaphone. Like, the flute.


We did it!


@cocoonondagahill - You must have a son😉


LOL, one of my sons friends had two cars full. Do not know how she fit it into a BS room!

Thanks for the great input. I started to read all articles from 2008 and then realized the number of articles. I covered up to 2012 and then is reading articles from backward. I really liked the conversation about rain boots and snow boots, and the differences of supply list between 2008 and 2021.

I am looking for brand recommendations for alarm clock and girls outfit. Any input will be great!

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Most kids use their phones for an alarm clock and music. If you have trouble waking up, it will be easier in a dorm with all the noise in the morning :wink:Get a speaker that picks up the music on your phone. Get extra AirPods, also.

Clothes - as I’ve mentioned each year….bring some basics at first and observe what the others are wearing. Girls have a tougher time with this. Popular shoes, skirts, jackets can be very$$. This also depends on the vibe of your school. Try checking out current social media for what kids are wearing at your school…and also the school’s website for photos.

The clothing choices can vary by school specific dress codes. If you DM me, I can share more specifics.



If you feel comfortable sharing the school it will be easier to give girls brands.

I’d say groton swings between love shack fancy and Nike sweatpants for girls. There is a big variety of fashion choices. There is a LOT of borrowing of clothing among borders at all the schools I’m familiar with which greatly lessens the pressure to have the expensive range of stuff.


Are there a lot of lice issues at the dorms? I know it sounds like something for elementary school but the bugs love my kid.

Which winter coat brand is the most popular for boys at Exeter? My son is coming from a warm climate so it will be his first time needing to have a winter coat in his wardrobe.

A word about Winter coats @caligirl818_22 - this goes for all NE schools, not just Exeter. We bought kiddo a really warm LL Bean parka 4 years ago (on sale) during the late spring before Freshman year. I think kiddo actually wore it MAYBE 4 times in 4 years of school :joy: These kids seem to have no problems with cold - I have seen boys wearing shorts and flip flops in January. Some parents invested in Canada Goose$$$, Moncler $$$$$, and NorthFace parkas. A good down jacket doesn’t have to have an expensive price tag on it. Many kids we know layer lighter weight vests and lighter weight jackets under larger puffers when it gets too cold for comfort. They might even leave on their vests or lighter weight jackets in classrooms or the library.

There are other things to spend $$ on….that they will get more use out of IMHO.


Second this. While I was not one to forgo a coat, function, for me, was more paramount than fashion.


It’s also wise to wait until parents weekend (or even Thanksgiving) to buy a coat…that way your child will have a better idea of what they want.


Neither of my kids had any lice issues. Maybe we need a poll😂

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Thank you! I can see my son not wearing a coat much, he doesn’t seem to get cold very often. Thanks for the advice.

Amen! Oh, to be so young!

I snuck winter boots into the car freshman year, or the kid would have left them behind.

A sister-in-law was appalled when I shared on FB a clip of the kid sledding at school wearing a fall swing coat from Target. Unbuttoned. No hat. (Yes, I sent the kid off to school with actual winter clothes.)

Granted, that sister-in-law already thought I was a horrible parent.

I’ve since been unfriended on FB. As has my kid. Granted, for other reasons

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Agree that winter coats for boys don’t seem to always be used. Our son took his snowboarding jacket so on really cold, snowy days he wears but really has it on the off chance he’s goofing off in the snow or goes snowboarding. Boots however are key. Even when they’re in coat/tie winter boots are allowed and it’s either LL Bean or Timberlands for the boys.

As for boys in general, brands of anything not as important. Our son has some fancy loafers but prefers his Sperry’s and that attitude seems to be the norm. Sneakers may be a different story but even then it’s Jordan’s not designer and still not all boys care.

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