The Wait List

@Harshdog I think every school will understand your situation of being wait-listed for financial aid. The fact that your son was offered a spot on the waitlist actually shows he is a pretty strong candidate and there are so few 11th spots that no school will be surprised by your situation. I think if I was in your shoes, I would not hesitate to be completely transparent with the schools you are reaching out to now and just let them know the situation. I suspect that they would then be equally straightforward with you regarding openings and what is happening.

I was waitlisted from Choate this year but I’ve heard from currently attending families that Choate waitlists a lot of people just so the applicants don’t feel bad. I don’t know if this is true but I’m beginning to think I would’ve been rejected if I hadn’t done the 5 week summer program.

Do you know anyone that has gotten off the Choate waitlist?
Please reply to this discussion with your Choate admissions decision! I just want to know the ratio of accepted, waitlisted, and rejected students.

@helpmeplease88 Hey, I was also waitlisted at Choate! It seems like a lot of people were too this year, judging from the 2019 Prep Schools Decisions thread. From my extensive research into the black hole that is CC, it doesn’t seem like Choate is one of those schools that utilizes the Wait List as a euphemism for Rejection (Deerfield is the culprit here). I’ve actually seen some students get off the Choate waitlist on this website, and those students were much higher than most of the other schools such as Exeter or Andover. Perhaps there is still hope

(Also, as all others are saying, we, as well as the AOs, won’t know anything, until the approach of April 10, which is the decision day)

Did anyone get off from Groton WL?

Asking the question daily, or in numerous threads, or changing the name of the school, will not change the answer. Don’t expect to hear anything before April 10th.

No, the last digit is not rank.

Does anyone know how often Middlesex accepts from waitlist or any Middlesex specific suggestions?

Applicants, schools have over admitted on purpose (yield calculation). Even if kids decline acceptances now, those schools have already anticipated that in their yield
calculation. They won’t be anywhere near going to the wait list, if at all, until AFTER revisit day weekend April 7. Hang on until at least April 8-9, and movement, if any, will most likely be after April 10. Best of luck to WLers.

Don’t second guess. Unless a school tells you directly, you will never know why you were waitlisted, so guessing is a pointless exercise.

Even if you had a copy of a school’s waitlist sliced and diced every which way, it would tell you zero about your chances of coming off it as you still would have no idea which admitted students will choose not to matriculate after A10, so you would have no idea which “profiles” the school would be looking to replace.

WLs are generally quite large and absolutely are used as soft rejections in some cases but, even if a WL has only five names on it, if your profile is not a match for a slot the school needs to fill, your chances are zero. OTOH, if a WL has 500 names on it, and your profile IS a match, you have a very high chance of selection. But you can never know which case it will be, so there is nothing to be gained from this exercise.

I know waiting is hard, but there generally will be some movement, however slight, from most WLs, so there will be a few who are notified of an open slot sometime between A10 and opening days. All you can do is consider a WL a rejection and put your heart into your plan B and don’t look back. Should you get a call from your WL school, you can deal with that happy problem then and report back to us. In the meantime, love the school that loves you.

From looking at the 2019 prep schools decisions thread, it seems like a lot of people got WL from Choate. Just thought that starting this thread for all the WL applicants to share info & updates would be nice. Fingers crossed, all of us will get off th WL (as unlikely as that is)!!!

I denied my waitlists but are waitlists really only 25-ish students? I was under the assumption they’re a hundred plus

25 per bucket was the comment. 25 9th grade boys boarding. 25 9th grade boys day. etc.Whether that’s correct or not, I don’t know. It makes sense for larger schools like PA, PEA. But I think the buckets will be proportionately smaller for later grades.

I have a Question. In the wait list school one department asked my daughter’s video and more comments personally. But we lost the chance, because her grandmother passed away at that time and we didn’t have any time to work for it.

We thought if we sent the more video and comment for the department at that school, my daughter maybe accepted that school?

Now we want to send AO and the department(exact teachers) the piles. Is it right or bad timing? If we don’t have any lost, we want to do it.

25!!! Only??? Wow, I thought it was at least 100 for 9th grade. Thank you for the number. Alright one last question for everyone. Is it possible to be waitlisted at Andover for financial aid, even thought it’s a need blind school?

@M0hammad Well, if you read the comment again you can see that its 25 PER CATEGORY. So it would 25 9th Girls Boarding, 25 9th Girl Day, 25 9th Boy Boarding, 25 9th Boy Day, etc – adding up to about 100 per grade. Of course, no one can be sure about this number except the AO, but at least that’s what the comment stated. I sure hope it was 25 though haha

Hey, was just wondering, if I’m writing an appeal/update letter to the admissions, is it VERY important to get it in as fast as possible?

@sub2pewdiepie I sent it mine almost exactly a week after the admissions decisions were released, but I don’t think it matters TOO much, just get it in before April 10th.

@helpmeplease88 thank you!!

Do you think rescinding your request for financial aid could give you an advantage on the waitlist?

I think it’s just important to get it in. They will probably not even look at them until closer to 4/10. Good luck.

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