The Wait List

Received an email from PA this morning saying that they are fully enrolled and that “it appears unlikely that we will have spaces to offer to students on our waiting list.”

Got the same email. :frowning:

Yep, same here too.

I haven’t heard a peep from Hotchkiss yet… has anyone?

I’m also wondering if I should pick up the phone and call Hotchkiss (or have my parents call) and ask about the status… but honestly I don’t see anything it could do. Any thoughts?

@sadpotato i mean if they haven’t said anything maybe it’s a good time to call. i don’t see any harm in doing so

Has anyone gotten an email or any info from Milton, I haven’t gotten anything from them since I sent my letter regarding wanting to stay on the WL.

Hey! Has anyone had an email from L’ville sayong anything about how their waitlist is doing, are they looking at it at all this year?

@CC4life If you’re applying for 9th grade girls boarding, Milton sent an email a while ago that said that they were at their enrollment capacity. They also said that if you wanted to stay on the waitlist indefinitely, then you could reply to the email. Other than that, I haven’t heard anything from them.

@sadpotato I’m actually applying for 10th grade boys boarding…so I guess I’ll just continue waiting.

@CC4life Oh, I see. Best of luck to you!

Hi @appleeee have you heard anything from Blair? Not a word here.

@friendlymom No, I haven’t. Is your daughter doing well with late/rolling admission?

I got an email from the Blue Ridge School (all boys in VA) that they have spots and financial aid available for 2019-2020. I don’t know anything about the school, but wanted to share in case that helps someone!

Hotchkiss has closed their waitlist for all classes this fall.

Our son received the same email. They asked him if he wanted to stay on the WL. Going to PA.

She will either stay in her current public high school or if a spot opens from one of the waitlists she is on she will do that, but we are not applying anywhere else at this point— primarily because she would need financial aid and I think all funds have pretty well been distributed. We will keep you posted if we hear anything. Please do same :))

I know this is a bit off topic, but…
Since I got rejected/waitlisted from all my schools and all my waitlists pretty much are closed, I now have to decide between my local high school and Stanford Online High School. My local high school is pretty much the best public high school in my area and one of the best in the state. However, I feel like I could do much more with Stanford Online, but I’ll definitely miss the social interaction.
I know it will be most beneficial for my education if I do Stanford, but I’m scared that I’ll just be a loner at home (I’m an only child).
Oh, and I’m reapplying next year, by the way.
Does anyone have any suggestions or comments?

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@friendtrooper I will, best of luck to your daughter!

@sadpotato If you are going to apply again, then I think you should stay in your current school. I wouldn’t change if I know that I will change the school again next year. Changing to much can probably affect your performance. If you are doing sports or any extra curricular activities for a long time at your school, then you may not want to stop it and (I might be wrong about this) it is harder to ask for recommendation if you do online class.
Instead of going to another school, why don’t you try to improve your application based on what you have been doing in your current school so far? It’s a very good school anyway.