The Wait List

As a mother (who grew up as an only child also) I can tell you that the far better thing to do is stay in your current school. Enjoy the the childhood you have left and all the social aspects of being with kids your own age. You have time on your side and many many many opportunities will present themselves over the coming years. Just because boarding school may not happen, you will find that with hard work in your current environment, you will have no shortage of wonderful options down the road for college/volunteer/internships etc.

This is something that almost universally adults will tell you. Don’t pressure yourself and change schools right now. Just breathe, relax and do your best where you are. Life is very fluid and you will have more chances to shine than you know what to do with. Give it a little time.
Enjoy your current high school, your friends and being a teenager. It will all fall into place
if you let it. Be at peace with your current situation and be the very best you can be right where you are.

Wishing you so much success.

Colorado Rocky Mountain School sent us an email today saying they still have Day and Boarding School openings. Our son liked this but going to PA.

@appleeee @friendtrooper Thank you all so much!

adding to @wjeanj2005 message. Colorado Rocky Mountain School also stated that financial aid is available.

I just received an email from Wilbraham & Monson Academy that the school is still accepting applications on a rolling basis.

Our daughter was offered a spot today! Does anyone here have experience with being accepted with a financial aid package that doesn’t meet your needs and submitting an appeal? We were just offered a spot today off the waitlist but the FA is less than what we need and the director of admissions suggested we appeal right away. I thought I’d check here for any tips or advice especially about the appeal process as we have zero experience and no counselors helping us. Thanks! Also in case anyone is wondering it is for Hackley and for kindergarten. They have a 5 day boarding program in high school if anyone is interested in that. You would go home on weekends so you’d have to live close to NYC / Westchester County. Nearly 400 applicants for 32 spots in kindergarten and they save the bulk of the FA for middle and high school so we feel very fortunate and grateful!

Congratulations @happydance22 !!!

@happydance22 Congratulations! You must be ecstatic. Good luck with the appeal.

@bancqsy Thanks, yes!! SO EXCITED! We spoke with the school today
 they are going to give us a better FA package! They are going to make us an offer we can afford we just don’t know the exact amount yet but they are working on it/with us to make sure we can afford it. Hooray!!!

Thank you @buuzn03 !!

Awesome! Congrats

@springfield18 yes definitely consider Wilbraham & Monson. My friend decided to apply on rolling basis and received a scholarship. Friend loves it there and tells me that classes/friends/school culture is amazing. check it out if you can!

Thanks very much @andoverblue21! I’m already committed for next year, but I’m still receiving notices from schools with rolling admissions. Thought it might help someone out.

The school told me that they would inform the final decision before June 1, but I haven’t received anything yet. Although I have made my second plan, I still want to know about that. Should I ask them? Thank you.

I hear Purnell (all girls) has places open
also hear that spots opened this week up at a few NE schools - must be that week when deposits are due at some schools
so if you are on the WL keep the faith!

It looks like New Hampton still has a still spots for international students. Got a email titled “Opportunities this fall at American Boarding School” from them.

For anyone who still chose to be on the waitlist for Deerfield Academy for grades 11,12 or PG, do not lose hope. I know for a fact that there is a possibility of a few spots for upperclassmen opening up in the coming month.

Good info on waitlist’s here!

@derakiii33 ah that’s wonderful
especially for people like me on the waitlist for 9th grade :frowning:

Cheshire also emailed about opening spots today, not sure if it’s only for rising sophomores.