The Wait List

Would it be late to send a first choice letter a week after decisions are released?

i don’t think so.

I’m not sure if this question has been asked before. Anyway, I got accepted into school A and I got waitlisted at school B (school B being my top choice). I committed to school A. I know that getting off the WL is next to impossible but if I were to be accepted off of school B’s WL, would I be able to reverse my commitment from school A and commit to school B or is the commitment binding?

If you signed a contract it could be binding. It really depends you have to read through what you signed when you committed.


You can usually back out but you generally forfeit your deposit. (If you back out later in the year, you may be on the hook for more.) Read the contract – it’ll be specific in terms of timing and amounts.


No this is not true. If a school charges you money for a spot on their waitlist, then they’re crazy. The deposit is required in order to confirm a spot for schools that have already accepted you.

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Our saying we would accept immediately was what did it.
Let me add that I’m guessing DD was likely already a ‘close admit’ but my point is just a ‘stay on the waitlist’ wouldn’t have moved the needle from waitlist to admit.

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Hi, I got into Loomis Chaffee and waitlisted to Deerfield, Hotchkiss, Choate, and St. Pauls. Do you think it is possible if I can get into one of those four? I emailed all of them saying I would accept a spot immediately if I got in. Do you have any advice?

Possible? Yes. Probable? No.

By no stretch of the imagination is Loomis a consolation prize. Love the school that loves you back.



Loomis had 2300 applications this year!

An offer from there is fantastic, congratulations.


I’m just a kid, but Loomis is just as good of a school and it would make sense to love the school that loves you in this scenario.

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In general, how long should a First Choice letter be? Thank you!

Yes. Don’t bother with the waitlists. Do you want to spend the next 6 months wondering if you’ll get that call or email from schools that fate has determined are not the best fit? Or do you want to put them behind you and fill your heart and soul with every detail of the school that feels you are a perfect fit?


You have an acceptance from a wonderful school. Not to sound like a broken record
 love the school that loves you. After all there is a reason you applied to Loomis.

PS in our case we had NO acceptance.


Dear (AO-name-here):

I would like to let you know that (your-BS-name-here) is my first choice school and if offered a spot off the waitlist, I will accept immediately!

Thank you,

Two major changes to thought process on admissions decisions this year. Someone in the placement field here in Canada explained it to me. This is more relevant on the International side (I laugh as Canadian to be considered international).

Number 1: SSAT’s were not mandatory and many schools.
Number 2: Last year, untold numbers of international applicants either did not accept or backed out for obvious reasons. With that uncertainty, schools may have lowered spots of international this year on the first go round and more heavily favored the full payors than past years.

This year’s international waiting list is much higher than in the past as a result and is more heavily made up of FA applicants.

I know last year some schools were caught short on athletes for specific sports that they even went outside of their waitlists looking to fill out teams.

All of this played out in this year’s process.

My son is a grade 11 applicant, for the Canadian schools at that level, enrollment is a rolling basis and really gets tricky because some schools force acceptance long before M10 and by applying too early you get caught. And the craziness is all around hockey spots on teams.

Moral of the story
be resilient, patient and have plans B, C and D in place.

P.S. If you are on the waiting list. Thanking your interviewer for their time is also a good idea.

Do people usually get off the Lawrenceville waitlist?

Substitute the name of any boarding school in the above sentence and then answer will be the same.

Do students usually get off the wait list? No, they do not.

Do some* students get off the wait list? Sometimes.


Do these type of threads tend to post waitlist decisions around April? That is if they send emails or anything.

Sorry, I meant if it posts about if schools send emails about waitlist denials usually