The Wait List

I definitely do want to commit to Westover, but since I already sent the email to the Putney AD, I wasn’t sure how to proceed.

When is your meeting ?

There isn’t a specific date scheduled, he responded a few days ago asking when I wanted to meet.

i would schedule the meeting. i’m not sure they would take you off the waitlist, though. or you could just tell them you’ve decided to accept an offer at another school.

IMO, you should choose Westover and just schedule the meeting to be nice. But if you really want to go to Putney, advocate for yourself.


I think you should go to Westover and you could always talk to the AD and advocate for yourself but wl are always unpredictable.

Yeah, I think you guys make good points. I guess at this point I’m just worried that scheduling the meeting will prevent me from moving on if that makes sense? Do you think it would be okay to respond to the email and say something that just asks about the likelihood of me getting off of the waitlist instead? Or should I just schedule it; maybe it’s not that big of a deal lol

I do like Putney and if given the opportunity I might want to go. But at this point I’ve gotten so attached to Westover that I’m not even sure I’d go to Putney if I got off the waitlist

I would reach out to the AD and thank them for their time. If you aren’t sure you’d go to Putney over Westover, I would not bother waiting. I would only respond if you’d definitely go with a school that chose someone else over you, rather then choose you first.

I don’t want to sound too harsh; but @PhotographerMom gives good advice.

So if you’re sure you’d go to Putney if taken of the WL, go for it. But only if you’re sure.


I think if you truly want to move from Putney,ask in an email because it isn’t as personal as a meeting.

I agree with this

Okay, yeah, I think I’ll take this advice. How do you think I should phrase the email?

I’m not sure, as I took myself off waitlists by updating forms, but I would say something along the lines of

“Thank you for your considerate and kind offer of a meeting, but I’m going to act on another offer” or something like that. Keep it short and sweet.


Okay thank you so much. I thought about it a little more and even though I’m not sure I would go, I would definitely consider it. So I sent the email to schedule the meeting. We’ll see how it goes lmao

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okay good luck!

Hey so a couple weeks back I saw a video saying I should send top choice school something revolving being waitlisted sometime from a week before A10 to “continue interest”. (Even after sending LOCI weeks earlier) Or just to ask about status to have my file be on their minds or something. But I already contacted my interviewer a week prior to today with a question, and I don’t want to come across as annoying by bothering again. I’m leaning towards just giving it up and doing nothing. Have any of y’all heard anything like that being done? Should I do it as well?

i’m not sure. i haven’t contacted anyone from my first choice since my letter of first choice, and i’m not sure if i shouldnt contact them again or say something? i’m not sure what to do

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Contact does not equal points. If you have already indicated continued interest or first choice to the school that is top of your list, you’re done, there is nothing more to gain by further communication unless you are contacting to move from FA to FP. Everyone should be pursuing their plan B option.


I am curious if anyone has gotten off the waitlist for any school yet?

Did everybody get the Choate update today?


What was it about? Are they going to admit anyone off the waitlist?