The Wait List

Yup got the email

It was saying they’d start updating us soon, it doesn’t really imply much

has anyone gotten updates from exeter?
i was also wondering what everyone’s thoughts were on the CSS. do schools put a lot of value on it? what’s considered a “good” score? any info would be appreciated!

I’m not sure what you mean by css, ( not familiar with the acronym) but the only emails I’ve gotten from Exeter were personal responses to when I contacted them with my LOCI and my additional awards. Other than that Exeter hasn’t sent anything.

CSS- Character skills Snap Shot? We had one school that had it listed as optional, but after having my kid take it, and getting what looked like good results we didn’t bother sending it. It seemed rather vague and generic and a money making test and not worth doing IMHO. We did submit her PSAT, SAT, ACT, even though “test optional” this year I knew her excellent scores on those were worth submitting.

Ohh I see now. I did get a really high score for each category on the css, but I don’t think they factor it in very much. It is kinda not that stable. They mostly see you as a candidate through interviews. It doesn’t hurt to send though. (It might be too late now, seeing the css isn’t that big a deal)

As pointed out many times. Everyone needs to sit tight and assume they are not going to get called off of a waitlist. If it happens, terrific.

Also, schools are processing their acceptances and running numbers, so if they go to a WL it is after April 9th at the earliest.

I wanted to clarify about FA. People seem to think schools can apply FA elsewhere to fix budget gaps. With most endowment, FA MUST be spent to reduce tuition costs and whatver the FA bucket is for a year
it has to be spent usually.

One thing which I have heard throughout
students applied to more schools than usual because their were no campus visits or in person interviews and SSATs were optional. So Student A who would have applied to 5 shcools a three years ago may have easily applied to 20. What this means is that waitlists are likely overstated in numbers this year and more “repeat” kids were accepted at multiple schools.

On the international applicant side, more are likely to get cold feet about leaving home than any other year.


I should add she was accepted to an Exeter level school without the CSS (and with large FA), although flat out rejected by Exeter, I do not think the CSS would have changed one thing. And after looking at the M10 stats, at how few flat out rejections there seem to be, compared to how many wait lists there are, it seems to me that a wait list pretty much = rejection, just a nicer one.


I did not take or submit the CSS either. I’m not sure how much schools use it, but it is “recommended” on many schools’ websites. I’d say that if you’ve taken it and the results look positive, you might as well send it in.

are you allowed to send additional recommendation letters? or would that just be a bother to the AOs and make you seem desperate?

You weren’t WL’d due to underwhelming recommendations. If you are on a WL, you have passed the bar, you are fully admissible to that school, and you cannot make yourself “more” admissible. Additional rec letters are irrelevant at this point. You are in a holding pen that the school may go to IF it finds itself underenrolled after A10. If there are holes that need to be filled after A10, the school will look into the holding pen for that girl or boy who best matches the unfilled hole(s). I know that waiting is hard, but that’s all you can do while you pursue your plan B.


Haven’t seen this posted yet–we got an e-mail from Taft the other day saying they are not taking kids (or at least my kid) off their waitlist anytime soon. It said:

Brim, assuming that BrimJr has been admitted to another school, we would encourage her to take advantage of that opportunity. If, on the other hand, BrimJr does not enroll elsewhere and would like to remain on our wait list throughout the spring and summer, we would be glad to keep her file active in the event that a position opens up. Please email the Admissions Office to formally let us know that BrimJr would like to remain on the wait list throughout the summer.


ugh. I feel your pain. We got the same thing up front from Deerfield saying they do not go into their WL and that child should make most of oportunities given. Sounds terrible and so we did and I still not feeling good about options but have to cough up 6k saturday for something I really am not happy with

nope. I am going to call tomorrow as we have to make a decision friday

Was this a personal email ? or was it sent to everyone.

Sorry believe I sent to everyone- mea culpa

I’m sorry but, why apply then if you are unhappy being accepted and having to go there. If a school wants you, then that is the right choice.


Taft told me that acceptance rate dropped from 20% to 12% this year. Unprecedented. COVID has many kids repeating as well. At some schools, 2021 could be the most difficult year for admissions in a long while.

I have a feeling that many schools will overestimate yield this year, and as a result there will be movement on wl except for the top schools. We will see.

I think once you go visit–its a feel thing. Covid did not allow in person visits until acceptance. Drive by’s allow you to see from outside.