The Wait List

I don’t think I understand what you mean? How would someone pay 2 deposits?

Not the schools we are talking about here. Even Blair is $7500 deposit.

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I’m asking the why.

OP mentioned it happens north of the border.

How? I’m assuming they could put down a deposit at any school they got into and the school wouldn’t know.

The deposit for Hotchkiss was significantly larger: 20%. Previous to seeing this, we gave a little thought to accepting more than one school, so it served its purpose!


Exeter deposit is $2.5k

hill deposit is exactly 10%. IIRC $6,643

@DaddyHoosier maybe there is no deposit required or just a nominal one? I get putting a deposit on the best available choice and hoping for a call of the WL for those in a position to afford that, but what is the point of holding on to TWO accepted spots? I would think one is preferable to the other even if that one is not the TOP choice.

I know people who commit on day 1 and never bother to tell the other schools - it is not a nice move but to deal there is A10 and a significant deposit. Maybe @Canuckdad can clarify.

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We didn’t end up doing this, but the point to accepting two would be to put off a decision if you weren’t completely sure. Given the fact that most people couldn’t even visit their top choices, being unsure would be completely understandable–at least until visiting a couple of months hence.

Ok. I can see that this year, for the few that are privileged enough to not care about that amount of money. To me the post sounded like this is common practice. What is the motivation?

That’s insane that Exeter is $2500 and Hotchkiss $14k or so. Wow…


Canadian schools are generally rolling admissions. So parents can and have timed the process to line up with the US side. Also, some parents don’t mine risking the deposit on the chance they can get better financial aid elsewhere. You will see this when it comes to sports/hockey in Canada where a disproportionate amount of FA goes.


College deposits have been between $400 and $750…a HUGE difference, which made us contemplate whether it was worth putting deposit down on two (we decided against it for numerous reasons, but I can see why someone might).

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Just hoping I don’t get an email from Exeter’s admissions today tomorrow or on Monday fingers crossed

How come? Do you mean an email saying they’ve closed their waitlist, or one saying something in general?

Exactly, this is the case for my school.

I mean, I would assume any email out of the blue would be saying they have closed their waitlist because if it was an acceptance wouldn’t they first call?



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Yeah, keep your fingers crossed!


My dad was jumping for joy when he saw the PEA deposit, as Hotchkiss was my original choice.

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I’m just hoping they don’t leave me hanging lol. I would like closure.