The Wait List

Which schools if you don’t mind me asking?

My older son came off the WLs of St Mark’s & Groton - that was several years ago. I also was under the impression the categories of applicants they were using (for WL) were more like gender, boarding v day, FP v FA, not specific ECs.


My school starts on August 1 or July 31 instead of September

Another fly in the ointment are post-grads. Not sure which schools offer post-grads (Canadian ones do). This is a resting spot for athletes who have graduated but will play another year and take courses (AP etc…)

The pandemic has shutdown sports and the opportunities for kids to get to that next level. So many are staying on the “extra year”. For boarders this takes up “beds” and has a trickle down impact on spacing. Once sports opens up, these kids may move on leave the school which will open up spots the next few months. This is happening in Canada, not sure about the US. The schools recognize the exceptional circumstances and have asked applicants to wait and see (a psuedo-WL…i.e more likely to get a spot than normal WL).

If this is true, they must have tens of wl’ers for one vacancy. How do they choose if wl’ers are not ranked?

Our deposit due was nowhere near 10%. But then we are FA, but it wasn’t even 10% of our share.

I read in an article somewhere that if a particular school had 1800 applicants and accepted 200, they typically rejected 800 and waitlisted 800.

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Maybe they have a list of close admits?

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They have to

Sometimes I wonder how close I got to being admitted but honestly, it just makes me sad


I found the article, this was eye opening.

From 2014 but still relevant to the process.


yeah… i think that a lot too

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I second this :pensive::raised_hand:

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The only school we know nothing about yet is Brooks.

We haven’t heard from middlesex either but another poster said she was told they weren’t going to waitlist for freshman girls…

This is a really great share with reliable 3rd party source.


we said yes on 3/10 to be WL’d at one top school, but had no interest due to some acceptances and 5 other more desirable WLs. However, someone on our behalf called around to speak with AO people they know at different schools and spoke with this top school too. Our contact was told I was 11 deep in my WL subcategory. So, they do rank WL subcategories.


So they do rank the waitlist or at least subcategories on the waitlist? Im confused

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subcategories. If they need boarding, they will
not call day students.

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I reached out to Brooks yesterday via email and received this response “Unfortunately, we do not anticipate going to the waitlist at this time.”
But perhaps this is not for all categories.

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