The Wait List

I wonder, if I email Exeter after like the waitlist closes or enrollment closes in general, will they tell me how close I was or where I was ranked in boarding subcategory?

i don’t think so.

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Wait wdym by 11 deep? And what category?

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Oh and if you don’t mind, could you tell me how they asked to find out their subcategory rank?

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Everyone is in a subcategory according to at least gender, grade and day or boarding.

How they asked? No idea. I am a Gr 9 boy domestic boarder. there is definitely some sort of a ranking. Another top school told my contact I was at the top for my category. Sadly that school is not going to WL today

Thanks! We’re the same category

Number 11 at a top school seems really good! Good luck!

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yeah im also in that category 9th boarding domestic

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what school?

Good luck! This has been intense, right?just accepted a place at a great school but not my 1st choice. but i kind of love the school after 4 wks of getting to know it more. Fate? Hate having the what if’s hanging over me *sigh I’m not sure what I’ll do if someone calls in the next couple of days

Just reviewed my Exeter email. I forgot to mention they told me the earliest they’ll even start to look through the class roster is Monday

Same here! I’m trying to love more of the school that offered me admission, but this cloud still is over my head! The suspense is real lol


You got an email from Exeter?

I contacted them personally

oh i see

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Neither was ours, depends on the School and FA. Deerfield’s wan’t anywhere near 10% and neither was PEA or PA.

Yikes! Okay good to know. What category are you/your child in (freshman boy etc.)?

Again, depends on the school, this stat seems to apply to an 840 kid school (roughly).

I am in the same category too, funny.

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