The Wait List

Same. Until I got calls from 2 schools, I learnt to love the other schools that accepted me, and it took a lot to reject them and accept one of the WL acceptances.

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DS is 9th grade boy boarding. Best of luck!

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Anyone heard anything from the Milton WL?

That article certainly still applies to this year’s process. Deerfield is such a wonderful school, II was really considering enrolling, congrats on your acceptance!!!


what did you write in your email?

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If your referring to me I was actually wrong ,i think my ao was trying to be nice but a freshman girl full pay got off the waitlist at mx but I would wait for an official email directly from mx to find out exactly about the wl right now

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im thinking about writing an email to exeter asking them about my waitlist position…

i recently got 2 new awards, should i include that? i already sent them a LOCI in march so it might seem extra and make me look super clingy/desperate if that makes sense?

I’ve sent them 3 emails since M10. . . lol 1 giving my intention that Exeter is my top choice and giving some updates, another giving another award update, and a third because I had to change contact info. I’m also thinking about writing to ask about a waitlist position but I’m worried they’ll be super annoying because they already said its not ranked in the extra info

lol yeah you just reminded me our contact info also changed so i’ll probably include that in my email as well

Thank you!!! Good to know!

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I wrote in my email asking them if they thought there would be any waitlist movement, or if anything changes regarding my status. About your 2 new awards, i think it’s now or never. They start reviewing on Monday, and they’re closed at the moment. If you send they may slip it into your file before viewing again. Also trust me, you caNNOT be more clingy than I was :sweat_smile: I literally sent 5 emails separate times because I was so unsure about so many things over the course of March… I seemed desperate lol

I did the same

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How do they re-review applications? Just wondering about the process and how it would differ from first round

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Instead of looking through every single category, they will first look at the class roster. Since this year A10 fell on a Saturday and the department is closed, they will have to decide on Monday whether or not they will go to the waitlist, as they will be taking a look at the class roster for the first time. If they are under enrolled, they will look at the gaps, and go to that sub category and pick ( as stated before sub categories are ranked ) the top ranked student of that category.

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how many students are in each sub category?

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Do they go to the waitlist even if a single person is missing from what they expect a class to be?

It is very hard to tell. The only numbers we know are that there are 20 sub categories. 9th grade girl boarders, 9th grade boy boarders , 9th grade girl day students, 9th grade boy day students. 4 per grade, (5 classes because post graduate) Since schools do not tend to release wait list exact numbers, we do not know. Exeter clearly states that numbers vary year from year

ohhh ok thanks!

How do we know 20 subcategories? I would assume they are split through gender, domestic/international, grade, boarder/day, perhaps FA?