The Wait List

It was part of the automatic response from PEA that you get when you email them

Got it.

A little disappointing day, but I guess it’s alright.

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Has anyone heard from Choate since the 5th?


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Seriously! If they are going to go for “obscure”, at least go for well written obscure.

This makes the thermodynamics textbook I had in engineering school seem like “light reading”.

If I decide to stay on the summer waitlist, I’m worried that when I pay tuition to the school I committed to rn, I won’t get it back and it is expensive! Will I be able to get it back if during the middle of the summer i get pulled? I know the chances are very close to 0 already, but I just wanted to make sure before I continue

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See what the tuition contract says. But most likely, yes, you will lose a large chunk of money.


From Nobles just now:

Greetings from Nobles!

Now that the April 10th deadline for accepted families to reply to our offer of admission has passed, we wanted to be in touch with you to share an update about our waitlist for admission.

Nobles is currently over-enrolled for September 2021 entry, and will not immediately be offering any spaces to students on our waitlist. This does not mean that we will not move to our waitlist at some point in the future, which will be determined by whether or not we continue to be over-enrolled.

We will next be in touch in early June and will ask if you would like to remain on our waitlist through the summer.

If you have additional materials that you feel would be helpful at this stage of the process (for example, updated grades since the time of your application), please upload the materials to us using your Ravenna account. Additionally, you can email the materials to


Jennifer Hines

Dean of Enrollment Management

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We got off the Pingree waitlist, which is an excellent school, even if Nobles was higher on our list, so very grateful to have that option. Best of luck to everyone. This is such a difficult process for all.


There is this story from a parent. He just paid the tuition and got a call from top choice the same day. He then talked to the school that he just paid tuition to, and it was refunded. He said it was totally unexpected.

It’ll be hard to get it back later for sure. Don’t count on it.




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yeah an admissions officer just responded to my email and confirmed that they are fully-enrolled

I think at this point I should take myself off the waitlist. Good luck to you for the summer

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Sps is fully enrolled

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sorry to be the deliverer of bad news

exeter just sent me this when i inquired about the waitlist
“Thank you for your continued interest in Exeter and your patience during our waitlist process. We are currently fully enrolled for the Fall of 2021. We will maintain a summer waiting list in case we have any unexpected openings between now and August 1. Please check your email this afternoon on how to complete the online form if you wish to continue to stay on the summer waiting list.”

Has anyone heard from Concord Academy?

Concord Academy is fully enrolled

Depends on the school! Usually they specify in the contract.

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